The first Russian-speaking guild of the Alliance killed the epochal Jailer in WoW – the Horde did it a month ago | Games

Guild “Black Lotus”which represents the Alliance, defeated the final boss Jailer from the Tomb of the Eternals raid in World of Warcraft: Shadowlands on Mythic difficulty. She became the first of her faction to achieve this result in Russian realms.

The Horde in the Tomb of the Eternals proved to be more confident than the Alliance, which is the norm for PvE competitions in World of Warcraft. The first Russian-speaking team among the participants in the race, which managed to close the raid on the Horde, was Rak Gaming. “Black Lotus” was on the 122nd line in the world, but got into Hall of Fame Alliance — 22nd place out of 100.

The European guild Echo took the top 1 of the world in the “Tombs of the Eternal” progress race – it took the team five days and 278 attempts. 19 days have passed from the opening to the complete completion of the epochal mode “Tombs of the Ancients” as part of the development. it turned out the most difficult modern raid in the history of World of Warcraft.

The Black Lotus Guild following killing the epochal Jailer



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