The harms of smoking on the mouth | console

Smoking not only causes yellowing of the teeth, but also threatens them with very serious damage, according to Dr. Lina Schlinder, a German dentist.

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Lina said that smoking causes dry mouth, as a result of the negative effects it causes on the salivary glands, making them unable to produce enough saliva.

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She explained that smoking not only reduces mouth saliva, but also leads to a change in its composition, as it increases the percentage of acids in it, which damages the enamel layer that covers the teeth from the outside, according to the German news agency.

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The dentist added that smoking negatively affects the blood circulation in the gums, as it reduces the flow of oxygen-laden blood to them, which increases the risk of infection and receding.

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She concluded her speech by stressing the need to quit smoking immediately, taking into account the following guidelines, to maintain the health of teeth and gums:

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Brushing and flossing your teeth twice daily.

Use a fluoride-rich toothpaste.

Using dental floss daily, to get rid of food residues stuck between their spaces and difficult to remove with brushing.

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