The Health Benefits of Walking: A Guide to Preventing Early-Onset Cancer and Cardiovascular Disease

2023-11-17 16:42:15

The global incidence of tumors among those under 50 years of age increased by 79% in the last three decades. Although the interpretation of the data requires caution due to differences between regions, experts point to unhealthy lifestyle habits, poor diet, sedentary lifestyle, pollution, excessive consumption of antibiotics or reproductive factors, among others, such as those responsible for the growth of early-onset cancer.

Famous medical organizations and recognized health professionals in the world were alerted due to this study, recently published in the journal BMJ Oncology.

In that sense, experts point out that not exercising results in diseases such as obesity, high cholesterol, strokes, among others.

The exercise that should be done daily to reach old age healthy

One of the most recommended physical exercises to extend life expectancy, according to specialists, is walking.

In addition to being an aerobic exercise, it also burns fat and calories compared to other exercises. In addition, it activates the cardiovascular system and helps eliminate cholesterol that is harmful to the body.

Practicing this simple activity, in addition to being free, increases your resistance to effort and gets tired less or over a longer period of time. In addition, depression, stress and even insomnia can be solved with this exercise.

¿Is it better to walk or run?

Cardiologists do not doubt that walking is healthier than running. According to the Cardiavant portal, brisk walking can be more beneficial than running, since there is less wear and tear on the body and there is also less risk of injury.

Walking also reduces the risk of hypertension by about 7.2%, compared to the reduction of this disease with running, which is only 4.2%.

The portal ensures that patients who have suffered a cardiac event should apply light-paced steps to their daily routine and combine them with a balanced and healthy diet.

How long do you have to walk

Recommendations from cardiologists are to walk three to four times a day for about 40 to 45 minutes. The intensity should be 60% of the maximum heart rate. That is, maintain an agile and comfortable pace. The right pace is one where you can carry on a conversation without getting choked up.

It is important that before modifying your routine you consult with a health professional and a specialist in this matter, to know if this exercise is appropriate for your personal health.

Why a maximum intensity of 60% heart rate is recommended for walking

The American Heart Association recommends a target heart rate of the following values:

Moderate exercise intensity: 50% to 70% of your maximum heart rate Vigorous exercise intensity: 70% to 85% of your maximum heart rate

If you’re out of shape or just starting an exercise program, aim for lower in your target heart rate range. Then gradually increase the intensity. If you are healthy and want to exercise at a vigorous intensity, opt for the higher value of your heart rate range.

The Department of Health and Human Services recommends these exercise guidelines for most healthy adults:

aerobic activity. Do at least 150 minutes a week of moderate aerobic activity, such as brisk walking, swimming, or mowing the lawn, or 75 minutes a week of vigorous aerobic activity, such as running or aerobic dancing. It is best to do this over the course of a week. Even small amounts of physical activity help, and activity accumulated throughout the day adds up to provide health benefits.
Strength training. Do strength training for all major muscle groups at least twice a week. Consider free weights, weight machines, or activities that use your own body weight, such as rock climbing or heavy gardening. Or try squats, planks, or lunges. Try to do just one set of each exercise, using enough weight or resistance level to tire your muscles after 12 to 15 repetitions.

Your exercise intensity should generally be at a moderate or vigorous level for maximum benefit. To lose weight, the more intense or longer your activity, the more calories you will burn.

#exercise #daily #reach #age #healthy

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