These are the consequences of excessive exercise – Health

Many factors go into determining what is considered excess exercise, since it not only depends on the number of hours a day dedicated to sports.

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Excessive physical exercise is considered when a person exercises beyond the capacity of performance of your organism. Some people tend to become obsessed with sports or physical activity, without considering that this type of abuse leads to injury or discomfort.

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Regarding the type of physical activity, the World Health Organization (WHO) established minimums for the population without specific medical conditions.

According to the entity, it is recommended that people between 18 and 64 years of age dedicate a minimum of 150 minutes a week to the practice of some physical activity aerobic, moderate intensity.

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The WHO It also recommends that twice a week, or more, strength exercises of the large muscle groups be performed.

This, combined with a healthy diet, is the minimum exercise a healthy adult should do to reap health benefits.

When over-training occurs and we do not give the body a margin of rest or even do not nourish it as it needs for tissue renewal to occur, it can enter into rhabdomyolysis. According to the Mayo Clinic, rhabdomyolysis is the result of the rapid destruction of muscle fibers, with leakage of intracellular content into the systemic circulation.

Other consequences can also occur, such as fatigue, joint deterioration or the accumulation of free radicals.

Among the most common injuries experienced by people who train too much is tendinitis, which occurs when the same movement is repeated for a long time.

Another risk of overdoing sports is muscle strain, or muscle fiber breakage due to strong stretching. Tears or tears of the meniscus are fractures more serious that can also occur when we lose control of the exercise we do.

(Also read: The time you should exercise according to your age, according to the WHO)

Lastly, the abuse of sport can also cause a loss of the mineral content of the bone, which leads to cases of osteoporosis.

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