Trump vs. Harris: A Crucial Showdown in Battleground States

The electoral challenge between Donald Trump e Kamala Harris which next November will bring one of the two to sit inside the famous Oval Office of the White House, with the US election polls which still consider a good part of the so-called key states to be uncertain: starting from here, we recall that these are Wisconsin, Michigan, Arizona, Georgia, Nevada, Pennsylvania e North Carolina who were instrumental in the last elections in bringing Biden to the presidency; as well as holders of 93 of the Grand Electors on which the entire race for the presidency will be based.

Over the months we have seen numerous US election polls that were based on the so-called ‘popular vote’, but on the other hand this is completely secondary because – in fact – the people will elect the aforementioned Grand Electors who in turn will choose one of the two candidates: whoever obtains the majority of votes in a single state (even if by a margin of just one) will ‘conquer’ the entire audience; while to reach the White House a total of at least 270 Electors will be needed.

The preamble serves to underline that although the US election polls currently show Harris ahead of Trump by about 2 percentage points (data from the Real Clear Politics super-average) in the popular vote, on the other hand the Dems can boast ‘only’ 226 Grand electors with the tycoon who stops at 219: in this context it will be easier to understand why those 93 missing delegates will be decisive between now and November.

CNN US Election Polls: The Game Is Still On in Key States

Coming to the present, the latest among the US election polls released is the one drawn up in the last few days by CNN which starts by underlining how in the key states around 15% of undecided voters have already reiterated that they do not have a clear position and to be able to change his mind even at the last minute; opening the doors to an electoral battle that will surely be among the most hard-fought in recent history with Trump and Harris who will have to compete until the very end for that 270th vote necessary for victory.

Furthermore, in the US election polls drawn up by CNN, the opinion of those who have already taken a precise position on one of the two candidates was also explored and it emerges that Donald Trump would be in the lead only in Arizona with a gap of 5 percentage points; while on the other side Kamala Harris is ahead in Wisconsin e Michigan – respectively – with 6 and 5 percentage points, even reaching 50% in the first of the two states: everything will be played out (in short) between Georgia, Nevada, North Carolina e Pennsylvania who respectively elect 16, 6, 15 and 20 Grand Electors.



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