“We will maintain some measures until we see inflation coming down” – 2024-04-12 07:47:16

The Minister of Development, Kostas Skrekas, in his speech at the 14th Food Retail, emphasized the need to maintain the measures taken to deal with inflation and accuracy.

In particular, Mr. Kostas Skrekas he said: “The latest package of measures on product prices has had an effect and we will see a faster de-escalation of deflation. They are emergency measures until the market works and then these measures will be extinguished” and he added that the “Government is focusing on the modernization of the agricultural sector and the processing of agricultural products”.

The minister referred to the modernization of the agricultural sector because, as he said, the effects of climate change and the reduction of production capacity due to staff shortages may cause problems in supplying the market with agri-food products. That is, in food “and this, on the one hand, results in a possible increase in prices and, on the other hand, shortages in products we need”.

He also pointed out: “we still have a long way to go in terms of dealing with inflation and creating a competitive economy”. However, he noted that in the last month, following the implementation of the latest measures, in some chains inflation has dropped to 0.4%.

However, despite the reduction in inflation that is reflected as the minister said in the chains Super Market Mr. Skrekas underlined that: “some measures we will maintain until we see inflation decrease. The key measures that have an effect include a three-month ban on promotions that have previously been repriced.

Which is drastic and restrictive, but it has worked as many companies have withdrawn price increases or not proceeded with price increases for fear of losing market share.” Also regarding the VAT reduction, he ruled out such a possibility.

He also noted that the consumer can help reduce prices through their consumption behavior. “We want to help him leverage his power through the e-consumer platform and see how and from where he can get the products cheaper so the most competitive prices will come. So we are upgrading the e-katanalotis and another drinking tool is being created for competition to drive down prices.”

In addition, the minister emphasized that the issue is how to make the economy and businesses more competitive and to offer quality Greek products.

For his part, Aristotelis Panteliadis stated that some of the measures once morest accuracy taken by the Government are not in the wrong direction. However, he hastened to note: “in a product with such a large price increase, such as cocoa, measures to limit price increases are painful and may cause problems for certain companies. I want to believe that as inflation moderates, they will start to pull back once we see the de-escalation we want in food inflation.”

According to the newsit, with ESE general manager Apostolos Petalas noting from the stage of the conference: “Interventionism creates more problems than it solves”. The representative of the supermarkets defended the contribution of the organized food retail trade to the country’s economy, stating that it provides quality, variety and adequacy of products at the price level and, as Mr. Petalas noted, “does the best it can to exist tomorrow”. .

At another point in his presentation, the head of the ESE said that supermarkets invest two and three times more than the money they show on the bottom line, which last year fell below 1.5% of turnover.

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