What is it and how can it affect you?

Emotional predisposition has two faces. Some people develop, over time and for different reasons, syndromes like Campanilla’s, without being aware that they can cause long-term problems. Even if your intention is good, the consequences of your actions are often problematic.

[Desgaste por empatía: qué es y cómo enfrentarlo]

One of the most recurrent syndromes, and not always well identified, is the one known as nurse syndrome. It is part of the “derivatives of professions”: people who suffer from it apply, in a very extreme and unconscious way, their main activity.

What is the nurse syndrome?

It is suffered by those people who are attracted to other people with little success, emotional wounds and/or unhappy. According to the experts, it is a specific love pattern where the woman little by little forgets herself for the benefit of her partner.

It echoes the savior syndrome, which implies that the person always has that need to go to rescue or help the other, without giving room for that person to face the problem or solve it on their own.

Who does it usually affect?

It mainly affects women who experience the need to save the other, at all costs. They take it as a mission, on a personal level, especially if it is their partner. Therefore, they materialize their need to help and “repair lives” taking the virtual place of a nurse. They have in common a strong empathy.

The syndrome would especially affect people who lack confidence and doubt their own worth. By feeling useful and somehow “serving”, they are unconsciously reinforced. Experts affirm that it would also affect more people who had to take on tasks from a very young age, matured quickly and who at some point felt the obligation to help a family member or friend.

These people logically attract profiles that are looking for a loving, maternal figure that can save them. The nurse will do everything possible to solve the problems of her partner.

How do you know if it affects you?

If you get the feeling that you constantly save your partners and they end up leaving when they are cured or you leave because they are better and no longer find meaning in the relationship, you could suffer from it.

How to deal with it?

Even if the intention is good and altruisticcan lead to personal and relational imbalances. The person with the syndrome can forget about it completely, favoring a long-term toxic relationship. It is critical to distinguish mutual support from necessity.

The first step is to become aware of the situation. Identifying the syndrome is key. Once assimilated, dedicate time to yourself, on a strictly personal level. Remember that your life does not matter less than the lives of others. And gradually regain confidence in yourself, regardless of others. It is also essential to value yourself, without the need for emotional reinforcement.

In the event of any discomfort, go to an expert who will help you identify your needs and the real reasons for this feeling. The answer may lie in your past.

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