what is the synovialosarcoma suffered by journalist Matthieu Lartot?

2023-04-25 21:20:31

The sports journalist from France Télévisions recently announced that he was going to have his right leg amputated, following a relapse of a very rare form of knee cancer.

The voice of rugby on France Télévisions in search of a new “victory” once morest cancer. Last week, journalist Matthieu Lartot announced thathe suffered from a relapse of knee cancer, already fought 26 years ago. In order to promote his recovery, Matthieu Lartot has chooses amputation for “a question of survival”he confided in the columns of Noon Olympic.

Indeed, since adolescence, Matthieu Lartot has suffered from synovialosarcoma, a malignant tumor present in the knee joints. This very rare form is generally lodged in the cartilages or the muscles.

“These are tumors which are very rare. They represent 1% of cancers in France”, declared on BFMTV Professor Fabrice Denis, oncologist, president of the National Institute of e-health.

According the WHO international classification tumors of the soft parts (the flesh, tendons or organs which cover the skeleton, editor’s note), “the circumstances of discovery sometimes report a traumatic event which caused the mass to bleed”. Matthieu Lartot had rightly indicated that the tumor had been detected following a rugby accident at the age of 16.

This mass of a few centimeters can sometimes be associated with a benign tumor, distorting the diagnosis. “Due to slow growth (2 to 4 years), moderate size (<5cm) and sometimes homogeneous and well-defined appearance, the tumor may be wrongly recognized as benign", continues the WHO. .

A “special development”

This kind of sarcomas are difficult to apprehend because they have a “particular evolution”, continued Fabrice Denis. “They destroy the limbs or joints in which they are located, and can migrate to other organs.”

The medical intervention then differs depending on the case. “In general, the first intervention that is carried out to remove this tumor is a conservative intervention. In a certain number of cases, in particular in a situation of recurrence, it may be necessary to perform an amputation to prevent the tumor from continuing to evolve”, added the oncologist on our antenna.

It is this second option that the 43-year-old journalist opted for. “I’m starting chemo this Monday. Behind that, I’ll have three weeks to rebuild my immunity that the first drugs will have destroyed me, he explained in his interview with the specialized press. After that, it will be the surgical act (amputation) and finally, equipment and rehabilitation.”

Matthieu Lartot then gives himself “all summer to [s]acclimate to [s]has new mobility and in this term be able to attend the opening match of the World Cup as a supporter of the XV of France”, in September.

According to Fabrice Denis, nowadays, rehabilitation is easier due to the evolution of technologies. “There are more and more ultra-sophisticated devices that allow amputee patients to have a normal or almost normal life,” he said.

Candice Mahout with Theo Putavy

#synovialosarcoma #suffered #journalist #Matthieu #Lartot



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