“all age groups” affected by the epidemic rebound

The flu epidemic has resumed in recent days, but health authorities are seeing a slowdown in contamination.

The flu epidemic seems to have continued to rebound in recent days, although contaminations are decreasing, the public health agency summarized on Wednesday. Last week, Public Health France indeed recorded a “continued increase in all influenza indicators in all age groups but less markedthan the previous week, according to a weekly report.

9 metropolitan regions out of 13 concerned

The upward trend concerned 9 of the 13 metropolitan regions and particularly in Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azurwhich remained among the most affected regions with Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes et Occitania. The flu epidemic, which had started early in France, had experienced a decline in January. But she’s been gone for three weeks. In mainland France, only Normandy and Hauts-de-France appear in the “post-epidemicduring which the end of the epidemic is possible in the short term.

This winter, the flu came to contribute to an unusual situation of “triple epidemic”with several waves of Covid as well as a bronchiolitis outbreak particularly intense in babies. Bronchiolitis, in decline since the end of December, continued to decline throughout France. The epidemic ended in two new regions: Hauts-de-France and Occitanie. However, it continues in Mayotte and Reunion has entered the epidemic phase.

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