Belgian SOLAR: Delayed Installations and Risks of Losing Money – What You Need to Know

2023-07-17 17:30:00

Investing in photovoltaics sounds like a good idea. Given the rising energy prices since the various successive crises, many Belgians have decided to install them, creating at the same time a boom in installations in private homes.

The catch is that companies accept new customers who sometimes have to wait months for the panels to be installed. And the backlog keeps piling up. A calculation that can make individuals lose money.

This is the case of Kamiel, who paid nearly 11,400 euros for panels at SOLAR. The man, from Dilsen-Stokkem, signed his contract in October and paid a deposit of 4,500 euros. If the delivery and installation were to take place in April, he is still waiting! A lack won for him who could have taken advantage of the start of summer with his panels. But that’s not all ! “One day I received an email from a law firm. Belgian SOLAR was under creditor protection… Will we still have our installation? »

Johnny, from Genk, is in the same situation: he paid an advance of 7,300 euros in December. “Twice we were informed of an installation date, which was canceled the evening before”. Het Belang van Limburg has received several testimonies all pointing in the same direction, concerning the same company. A lawyer explains: “The company made decisions that turned out to be wrong, grew too quickly and, like many, was surprised by price increases resulting from the war in Ukraine. She had no buffer to absorb it all, but clung to contracts and had to put many facilities at a loss. »

It will therefore still take some time before the problem is completely resolved. And given the situation of the Belgian SOLAR company, the reimbursement of the deposit, if it were to take place, would not be 100%.

“Anything that can go wrong will go wrong. Last week, quite unexpectedly, a subcontractor went bankrupt. deplores the company, which is trying to solve its problems despite everything. “We are doing everything we can to help all customers who have paid an advance before the end of the summer. »

#informed #installation #date #canceled #evening

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