Beware of the dangers of human drugs for our animals

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ANSES warns of a potentially fatal reflex for our animals: giving them human medicines when they are sick.

Considered like real family members, the domestic animals play a major role in our daily lives. In addition, they have a real positive impact on both our morale and our health. Thus, they help us fight cognitive decline and would also protect us from Crohn’s disease. But what happens when do our dogs and cats get sick?

The causes of illnesses in our animals are numerous. And when they are hurting, it can be tempting to give aspirin or paracetamol. These drugs known to relieve pain, however, are designed for humans. Fact, giving it to animals can aggravate their condition and even harm their health.

This is what ANSES recalls in a press release published on February 20, 2023.

Treatments responsible for poisoning, digestive disorders and more

ANSES reminds us that our medicine cabinet is not necessarily suitable for our dog or our cat. And this for many reasons. First of all, human painkillers and anti-inflammatories cannot be used by all humans. Indeed, a minimum age or weight is recommended.

However, even if the weight of a large dog can correspond, his metabolism is very different from ours. And when he takes paracetamol, for example, the active ingredient it contains is not assimilated correctly by the body. In fact, it remains in the blood and can cause various health problems ranging from liver infections to kidney problems. Worse still, painkillers are deadly for cats.

As for anti-inflammatories, they are generally rich in vitamin D. But our animals rarely need them. Giving them this type of medicine can therefore lead to overdose and health problems.

Some human drugs allowed for animals, but only on prescription from a veterinarian

Nevertheless, ANSES recalls an important point concerning treatments intended for dogs and cats. In effect, in special cases, it is possible to give them human medicines. However, these treatments must imperatively have been prescribed by veterinarians.

These professionals can adapt the dosage to be respected and allow the animal to be treated while avoiding any risk of intoxication. Nevertheless, the dosage must be strictly adhered to. Because even if the dosage is adapted to the breed, age or health problems of your companion, zero risk does not exist with human drugs.

Moreover, if the dog or the cat does not react well to the treatment, the ideal remains to stop it and to make an appointment as soon as possible with a veterinarian.

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