Blast in Ukraine: military vehicle crashes

Kiev | Explosion in Ukraine as tensions rise between Russia and US-led NATO forces. The military vehicle caught fire. No altercation was reported at the party, and no motive has been identified for the killings.The bomber struck shortly after noon in front of the headquarters of the People’s Republic of China (DNR) in the eastern … Read more

“We miss him!” Chinese internet celebrities ridicule the communist army: unpromising fool, poor quality and a dark future | China | New Head Shell Newtalk

Chinese President Xi Jinping (second from right in the front row) put on a military uniform and visited the Central Theater of the People’s Liberation Army a month ago.Photo: Xinhua News Agency Zheng Jiyong, a Chinese internet celebrity with more than 300,000 followers on Douyin, was accused by an 18-year-old female college student of “ejaculating … Read more

Joe Biden is “convinced” that Vladimir Putin has “made the decision” to attack Ukraine

As long as an invasion has not occurred, “diplomacy is always a possibility”, however estimated the American president. Article written by Posted on 02/18/2022 23:58 Reading time : 1 min. “I’m convinced he made the decision.” Joe Biden said Friday, February 18 “convinced” that Russian President Vladimir Putin had “made the decision” to invade Ukraine, … Read more

Guangdong’s 126 cases of overseas imports in a week came from Hong Kong and Guangdong’s latest news today|Hong Kong|Indonesia|Guangdong Province_Sina News

Guide: According to the COVID-19 epidemic situation in Guangdong Province reported by the Guangdong Provincial Health and Health Commission, from February 11 to February 17, there were 229 imported cases in Guangdong Province, of which 126 were from Hong Kong. 126 cases of Guangdong imported from Hong Kong in a week The Centre for Health … Read more

Fire in Greece ferry leaves 280 evacuated, dozens still missing

Greek authorities rush to extinguish fire that engulfs ferry After more than 280 passengers and crew were evacuated, while dozens more were reported missing. Today (Feb 19, 2022) Greek authorities are striving to extinguish a blaze that engulfed the Euroferry Olympia, which is floating in the Ionian Sea. with Albanian Navy ships to assist in … Read more

Canada – In Ottawa, the step-by-step advance of the police against the demonstrators

– In Ottawa, the step-by-step advance of the police against the demonstrators Leave or be arrested. This is the choice left by the Canadian police to the anti-health restrictions demonstrators still present in the streets of the Canadian capital Ottawa. Published today at 00:53 The demonstrators were still numerous this Friday in the streets of … Read more

Pro-Russian separatists in Donetsk order evacuation of civilian population to Russia

AA/Istanbul The leader of the pro-Russian separatist “republic” of Donetsk, at war with Ukraine, Denis Pushilin, announced on Friday the evacuation of civilians to Russia, accusing Kiev of preparing an invasion. Pushilin said in a video posted on his official Telegram account that “from today a massive and centralized departure of the population is being … Read more