EASTER MESSAGES – Vivid sermons from church leaders

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Cardinal Désiré Tsarahazana and Pastor Ammi Irako Andriamahazosoa sent a message to the faithful of their respective confessions on the occasion of Easter. Messages that resonate with strong admonitions.

Hope, the victory of good over evil, truth, rebirth. These words are underlined in the Easter messages of Cardinal Désiré Tsarahazana, Archbishop of Toamasina, and Pastor Ammi Irako Andriamahazosoa, President of the Reformed Church of Madagascar or FJKM. As always, the scope of the messages or declarations of the religious leaders of the member denominations of the Ecumenical Council of Christian Churches of Madagascar (FFKM), go beyond the objective of reviving the faith. Those of the Archbishop of Toamasina, who is the number one of the Roman Catholic Church (ECAR), in Madagascar, and the president of the FJKM did not derogate from it. Messages that reflect a harsh view of society and call for a change in behavior.
“There will be no development unless we change our undisciplined, hypocritical mindset and disrespect for the common good. As long as money dictates
our actions and gestures”, denounces Cardinal Tsarahazana. A situation that he describes as “dangerous” for society and the consequence of which is “insecurity”. He adds corruption at all levels which, in his words, is “a distressing refrain, but one that must always be remembered”.
Making the connection between the biblical episode of the betrayal of Judah in exchange for 30 denarii, the Archbishop of Toamasina evokes the expiry of the presidential election. “We might be tempted to betray Jesus by buying off the vulnerable, seducing them with material things. I hope that it will not be to do business that the candidates will stand for election, but really with the intention of developing our country, developing Madagascar,” he maintained.


Sharing his view of the national situation, the number one of ECAR in Madagascar speaks of “retreat”, taking the example of the deterioration of the road system, or even the railway network at a standstill, as well as stationary airports and airfields. He nevertheless concedes that there are advances, with the rise of communication technology, or the construction of infrastructures such as hospitals and schools. It also underlines the state’s support for the most vulnerable, particularly in the face of crises.
Cardinal Tsarahazana adds, in fact, that it is quite possible to develop the Big Island “in the faith of Jesus Christ”. A way of echoing the call hammered by the FFKM towards its children, which is to live the precepts of the Christian faith on a daily basis. This, with a view to putting an end to the venality and immorality that is eating away at society. “Since the end is the victory of good over evil. What we believe to be impossible is coming true”, added the Archbishop of Toamasina, always recalling the spirit of Easter.
For Cardinal Tsarahazana, “decentralization and good governance” are the keys to development. In more colorful words, and taking as an example episodes from the adventures of the Passion of Jesus Christ, Pastor Irako Andriamahazosoa also calls for introspection and behavior change. Speaking of truth and resurrection tending more towards the direction of the rebirth, the statements of the president of the FJKM also have a political consonance, but also a haro once morest the treason and the versatility.
Pastor Irako Andriamahazosoa thus denounces relatives who do not hesitate to betray in exchange for hard cash, the zealous who act without thinking. He also denounces those who want to be a leader, but who do not hesitate to back down at the first opportunity, or those who say they are loyal to a person, but scamper in the face of difficulties. The president of the FJKM also castigates the magistrates, who like Pilate “do not dare to stand up straight in the truth and condemn an ​​innocent person. Then wash their hands in order to get rid of their responsibilities and their lack of courage”.
Pastor Irako Andriamahazosoa criticizes other facts of society, taking the example of religious leaders who called for the crucifixion of Christ, “out of jealousy”. The same goes for the population manipulated by officials “who preferred to condemn an ​​innocent person, and chose a bandit”. Always taking the example of the episodes that marked the Passion of Jesus Christ, the president of the FJKM denounces that the crowds today adore a person and tomorrow call for his crucifixion.

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