Former Putinian, Matteo Salvini flies away for a peace mission on the Ukrainian border

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The boss of the League took the direction of Warsaw on March 7, as part of a peace mission (organized by himself), which should then lead him to the Ukrainian border. This humanitarian trip arouses the fierce irony of his opponents, who remind him of his past ties with Vladimir Putin.

“Right now, victims of war and bombs are fleeing Ukraine. If, among those who make the reverse journey, there were not only armed combatants, but also unarmed combatants, working for peace, I would join them with pride. It would be a peaceful invasion from the other side. The more, the better.”

These words with an almost Gandhian tone, reported by the Roman daily The Republic, were pronounced a few days ago by Matteo Salvini. Since the outbreak of hostilities in Ukraine, in fact, the former Italian Minister of the Interior has profiled himself as the first of the pacifists, by exposing his desire to participate in a peace mission near the theater of war.

These were not empty words.

This Monday, March 7, in fact, the transalpine press announces that the leader of the League (extreme right) has indeed landed discreetly – or almost – in Warsaw. A first step, before going to the Ukrainian border, to deliver concrete aid to refugees.

While this individual initiative – although unusual for a prominent politician – is certainly not condemnable in itself, the Italian left-wing press has not forgotten Salvini’s pro-Russian past, and it takes


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