Involvement of G77+China in Global War Issues: President of Colombia Urges Action

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2023-09-16 13:49:41

The president of Colombia, Gustavo Petroasked on Friday (09/15/2023) the Group of 77 and China to get involved in the issue of war in Ukrainecriticized the position of the US and the European Union, and called for the creation of a global front for peace.

During his speech on the opening day of the G77+China summit, which is taking place in Havana, the president asked for courage to face this issue – without consensus in this forum – and criticized the “double standards” of those who call for a “front of unity” following the “Russian invasion” of Ukraine but they “sabotage” the possibility of doing the same in the face of the “illegal occupation” of the Palestinian territories.

“I would ask the G77 that we also address the issue of war. Not because we have to take sides between Russia and Ukraine, but to compare two situations (that are) explicitly in today’s global debate. What is the difference between war of Russia and Ukraine with that of Israel and Palestine?” he asked.

In that sense, Petro invited the G77+China to propose to the “United Nations and the powers of the world” two “immediate” peace conferences on both wars, since, as he said, if this issue is not resolved it will not be possible to “take responsibility” to solve “several problems of humanity” such as the climate crisis.

Likewise, the Colombian president criticized that the global South must go into debt with rich countries that generate large carbon dioxide emissions – he explicitly mentioned China – in order to combat climate change.

“If we do not address the path of reducing debt, the only way to finance the decarbonized economy is capital and debt (…) but if we propose together, like the majority of humanity (…), it is viable (reduce it)”, he concluded.

The G77+China summit in Havana has brought together presidents such as the Brazilian Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, the Argentine Alberto Fernández and the Venezuelan Nicolás Maduro, as well as the Secretary General of the United Nations, António Guterres.

The G77+China is the largest dialogue and consultation group within the United Nations. It currently has 134 members, mainly from Latin America, Africa, the Middle East and Asia.

gs (efe, El Espectador)

How many “G” summits are there in the world?

G20, G7, G77: the list of “G” summits is long. This letter is an abbreviation for group and represents the political interests of a group that seeks to achieve common goals. But who is part of which group?

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G20: the economic powers

Although it is only an informal meeting, the decisions of the G20 countries have weight. The top 20 industrialized and emerging countries are responsible for almost 90 percent of global economic performance. They have a high impact on global trade and development, as well as climate change. Two out of every three people in the world live and work in a G20 country.

With the G7, the heads of state and government of seven Western industrialized countries created an informal forum to exchange views and advise each other. Almost every tenth citizen in the world lives in a G7 country. Its members generate regarding a third of global BIP and regarding a quarter of greenhouse gases.

For 16 years, until 2014, Russia had belonged to the select group of the G8. As a result of the annexation of the Ukrainian peninsula of Crimea, Russia was expelled from the forum, which now forms the G7. The G8 summit in 2005 introduced a regular dialogue on climate and development issues with Brazil, China, India, Mexico and South Africa (in grey), known as the G8+5 round.

Eleven industrialized countries – the US, Italy, Japan, Canada, Great Britain, France, Germany, Belgium, the Netherlands, Sweden and Switzerland – make up the so-called group of ten within the International Monetary Fund (IMF). The G10 makes additional loans available to the IMF, and participates in decision-making on the granting of credit to countries with payment difficulties.

G15: south-south cooperation

In order to gain more influence in international politics, 15 developing countries founded this group in 1989. Today, the forum is made up of 17 members and represents more than two billion people. Member countries seek to cooperate to promote development and economic growth. Likewise, they want to intensify south-south cooperation.

G77: the group of the poor

So that not only industrialized countries make decisions on global economic policy at the UN, at the first world trade conference (UNCTAD) 77 emerging countries created this group of shared interests. Currently, 134 countries belong to the G77. However, its influence has been reduced. The two largest members, China and India, are also part of the G20.

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