Jordan – Nicole Saba responds to rumors of her separation from Youssef Al-Khal

(MENAFN– Khaberni)

Khabarni – The Lebanese star Nicole Saba confirmed that the reason for the rumors of her separation from her husband Youssef Al-Khal constantly spreading is the lack of their appearance on social media, saying: “We reduce the appearance of me and Youssef, so there are always people who love always. want ‘
And the star Nicole Saba revealed, during her interview on the “Ink Secret” program with the media, Asma Ibrahim, on the Al-Qahera Wal-Nas channel, that she is preparing to work with her husband, Youssef Al-Khal, adding: “Tomorrow, you will see us at work with some and they are bored with us, and it will be in episodes of the series and we are working now.” On paper, he could be an Egyptian-Lebanese and make him a surprise.
And she continued: “Youssef and I separated from each other before my work in Egypt, and the love returned to each other, which is the love of years, and in life it remains in one love, which is the first and last cut and the sweetest cut,” stressing that if she gave birth to a son, she would name him after her husband, Youssef.


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