Main announcements May 16–22 – News – Kommersant

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May 16, Monday

In Moscow meeting of the presidents of Russia and Belarus Vladimir Putin and Alexander Lukashenko.

In Moscow a summit of the CSTO member states will be held with the participation Russian President Vladimir Putin.

Between May 16 and May 20, as expected, Finland and Sweden apply for membership in NATO.

In Hungary country’s prime minister Viktor Orban plans to re-assume the post of prime minister and take the oath to parliament.

May 17, Tuesday

In Moscow The Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation will make a speech at the VDNKh site Sergei Lavrov on the theme “Multipolar world. Russia on a new round of world history.

In Sri Lanka Parliament to consider vote of no confidence in President Gotabae Rajapaksa.

In Cannes the annual Film Festival.

May 18, Wednesday

in Washington visit of the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Turkey Mevlüt Çavuşoğlu.

May 19, Thursday

NATO will hold a meeting of the Chiefs of General Staff with the participation of representatives Ukraine, Sweden and Finlandas well as partner countries in the Asia-Pacific region.

May 20, Friday

In Moscow meeting of the Council of Heads of Government of States CIS in a videoconference format.

From 20 to 24 May US President Joe Biden will pay a visit South Korea and Japan.

Japan prohibits the export to Russia of high-tech goods such as quantum computers, 3D printers and other equipment.

May 21, Saturday

President of the U.S.A Joe Biden and the new president of South Korea Yoon Seok Yeol hold a summit.

May 22, Sunday

In Davos (Switzerland) face-to-face meeting World Economic Forum.

In France tennis tournament starts Roland Garros.

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