Man loses 26kg eating only McDonald’s for over three months – Is it possible?

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2023-06-04 10:24:24

A 57-year-old man lost over 26kg eating his three daily meals at McDonald’s for over three months. To achieve this, he gradually reduced his portions and the number of calories ingested.

A diet not recommended by health professionals. A 57-year-old American lost more than 26kg eating his three daily meals at McDonald’s for more than three months.

Kevin Maginnis was thus able to go from 108kg to 81.4kg following 100 days of a diet solely centered on hamburgers, fries and donuts from the famous American firm. His wife, who followed this particular diet for a month and a half, also lost 9kg.

His secret? Gradually reduce your portions and the number of calories ingested. According to his account made to the local channel WSMVthe man from Tennessee first halved the orders he traditionally placed, before gradually reducing them by 75%.

He also made an effort to eliminate snacks between meals as much as possible and to drink only water during these 100 days.

A diet promoted on TikTok

“It works for any food, even McDonald’s,” the 50-year-old told local TV. Proud of his diet, he even promoted it on TikTok under the nickname «Bigmaccoaching». The account, totaling 87,800 subscribers, detailed day following day the meals taken by Kevin Maginnis.

Apart from the consequent weight loss, the American also found that his cholesterol and blood glucose levels had dropped significantly on this diet. “I was pre-diabetic before, now I’m back in healthy ranges,” commented the 50-year-old in the American press.

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