Multifaceted health support

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Togo and the People’s Republic of China have maintained excellent diplomatic relations since 1972. This rapprochement between the two countries has been mutually beneficial in several areas, including health. On the eve of the celebration of 50 years of cooperation, it was important to recall the multifaceted support from which Togo has benefited in terms of health infrastructure, medical equipment, the management of certain pathologies and training of human resources on various topics. An interview with the 25e medical aid mission to Kara made it possible, for this purpose, to provide details on the contours of this medical cooperation.

Shanxi’s first medical mission in Togo learns to speak French.

The excellent diplomatic relations between Togo and the People’s Republic of China generate fruits in various fields, including the health sector. Medical cooperation between Togo and China began in March 1974 with the medical aid mission, two years following the establishment of diplomatic relations between the two countries. In the opinion of the head of the 25e Chinese medical aid mission to Kara, the medical surgeon Li Yifeng, this medical aid mission, initially biannual, was carried out by the Chinese general commission, before becoming annual, from 1983, and entrusted to the Health of Shanxi Province. The doctor reports that following 48 years, Togo has benefited from 25 medical aid missions made up of a dozen doctors, all specialties combined (surgeon, general practitioner, traumatologist, radiologist, gynecologist, anesthesiologist, acupuncturist). These missions share their expertise with Togolese colleagues and take care of certain pathologies. ” The 25e mission arrived on April 21, has already received 560 emergency patients for consultation and saved the lives of 12 patients suffering from serious illnesses. The mission carried out almost 100 surgeries said Li Yifeng.

China supports Togo each year with batches of medicines

Between capacity building, equipment of health centers and management of pathologies

This Chinese doctor specifies that the mission takes advantage of his stay to strengthen the capacities of their Togolese colleagues in the exercise of acupuncture, as well as other advanced techniques in medicine. ” We have encountered many cases of trauma which, thanks to our advice, have been well taken care of.“, he reports. Dr Li also informs that the medical cooperation between his country and Togo was marked by the construction and equipment of the regional hospital centers (CHR) of Kara in 1992 and Grand Lomé (GL) in 2009. The medical mission, during their stay, ensures the proper functioning of the two healthcare establishments “, he said, rejoicing in the choice of the CHR of Grand Lomé, for the care of victims of the corona virus disease (Covid-19). According to surgeon Li, Togolese doctors periodically benefit from training sessions initiated by traditional medicine in China, adding that when the Ebola virus hemorrhagic fever epidemic appeared in West Africa , between 2012 and 2014, a group of experts was sent to Togo by the health commission of Shanxi Province, to build the capacity of doctors on the prevention and control of this pathology. ” This training was marked by eight sessions in Kara and Lomé and helped prevent this epidemic in Togo “, he underlined. Dr. Li also recalls that each year, batches of anti-inflammatory drugs and antibiotics, worth one hundred million FCFA, are given to the two Regional Hospital Centers (CHR Kara and Grand Lomé). This health specialist reports that as part of the fight once morest the Covid-19 pandemic, China has offered PCR test devices, protective equipment to health workers and organized two vaccination campaigns which affected more than 600 people.

Twins born from a 5th caesarean thanks to Chinese expertise.

Writing new pages of bilateral cooperation with Togo

The leader of the 25e Chinese medical mission in Togo ensures that his country has also contributed to the implementation of strategic plans to fight once morest malaria in Togo. In fact, within the framework of the Process for the Elimination of Malaria by 2030 of the World Health Organization (WHO), a pilot project was implemented with the support of China in the health district of Est-Mono in the Plateaux Region with conclusive results. With regard to non-communicable diseases, in particular diabetes, high blood pressure (HTA), as well as zoonoses (Ebola, Covid-19, Lassa fever, monkey pox) which are shaking the world and especially Africa , the leader of the 25e mission invites Togo to continue the fight, while reiterating China’s commitment to support the government in this fight.

Mr. Zhou Tuo, member of the 1st medical mission in Togo is now 91 years old.

Dr. Li invites the population to trust modern and Chinese medicine and to abandon self-medication. To this end, he specifies that, very often, patients arrive at the hospital when the disease is already at a very advanced stage. ” This situation complicates management and the chances of recovery are slim. “, he remarked. Dr. Li, finally, salutes the Togolese hospitality and assures that China is committed to writing new pages of bilateral cooperation with Togo.

Francoise AOUI

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