Networks refloat strong message from Felipe Avello to Pablo Zúñiga – Publimetro Chile

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Behind the failed presentation of the comedian Pablo Zuniga at the Festival de Las Condes 2023, social networks revived an old podcast by Felipe Avello with Pedro Ruminot, “Tierra2” where he bagged his journalist colleague, accusing him of copying his style, although without grace.

“Dance and follow me by copying conchetu…. follow me copying as you have been doing 15 years ago. copy me shit but grace is not bought on the street, grace is not copied. Grace is born or it is not born and you, in this life, you were not born with grace Pablo Zúñiga...the grace is carried in the hearthe yelled at the top of his lungs, to Ruminot’s laughter.

The record goes back a long way, from the time when the comedian participated in the entertainment show SQP, together with Italo Passalacqua and Juan Pablo Queraltó.

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