New Parking Subscription System in Clermont-Ferrand: Changes, Prices, and Opposition

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2023-06-23 18:22:00

How is it going today ?

Those who live in the paid parking zone of the city of Clermont-Ferrand benefit from a preferential rate, granted for a period of one year and on presentation of proof of residence and the vehicle registration document. This rate is limited to one vehicle per household, for an amount of €0.50 per day. There is no annual rate.

To benefit from it, applicants must go every year, even for a renewal, to the offices of the municipal police, where they collect a parking smart card.

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What will change?

The measure concerns the establishment of an annual subscription, which therefore does not exist today. First change: “To facilitate and accelerate the creation or renewal of rights for beneficiaries”, the procedure will now be dematerialized and the smart card removed. The rights granted will be directly linked to the registration of the vehicle, and not to this object, which is regularly lost by users.

These users will also no longer need to pay every six days at the meter or via the mobile application, as is the case today. They will be able to pay for the full year and will then have an annual badge.

Finally, the last major change relates to prices.

How will prices change?

Today, at the rate of €0.50 per day, if he uses it all year round, the user pays €152.50 for parking (305 working days) as well as €30 for the replacement of the smart card (on average, one per year and per user), i.e. potentially €182.50.

From now on, the annual subscription will be offered from 66 € to 220 €, because a solidarity tariff, according to household income, will be put in place. “This helps to reduce the impression of additional cost or the possible difficulty associated with payment in one go while offering a fairer measure,” explains the municipality.

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Everything will therefore depend on the family quotient: it must be less than 404 to benefit from the annual rate of €66; between 405 and 524 for an annual rate of €105; between 525 and 749 for an annual rate of €143; between 750 and 899 for an annual rate of €182; finally, for a family quotient greater than 900, the price will be full, i.e. €220.

The Clermont opposition votes once morest the measure

The measure was voted on this Friday evening by the municipal council of Clermont-Ferrand. But the ten elected members of the Avenir Républicain and Clermont en Commun – France Insoumise groups voted once morest, Alparslan Coskun (La France Insoumise) denouncing “several errors in this deliberation, and in particular that of presenting it as painless for the population. It will be an increase for almost all users! The proof, you include €160,000 in increased revenue linked to this measure.”

If the intervention remained unanswered, the implementation will now be done gradually to be fully operational no later than the second half of 2024, announces the municipality. An implementation that will be accompanied by a complete dematerialization of the rights application procedure via the “Ici Clermont” platform.

Arthur Cesbron

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