October 5, 1863: US President Abraham Lincoln designates the last Thursday in November as “Thanksgiving Day”

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2023-10-04 22:54:55

On Thursday, October 5th, the book of history records, among other things:

1733: With Russian support, Elector Friedrich August of Saxony secured his election as King of Poland (as August III). (The expelled King Stanislaus I Leszczyński, father-in-law of the French King Louis receives).
1793: The French National Convention retroactively decrees the introduction of the revolutionary calendar. “Year I” begins with the first Republic Day, September 22, 1792. (The new calendar remains in effect until 1805.)
1813: British defeat by the Americans at the Battle of Thames River in Ontario.
1838: Founding of the company “CH KNORR, mill manufacturers, state products and factory of soup ingredients” by Carl Heinrich Knorr in Heilbronn in Württemberg.
1863: US President Abraham Lincoln designates the last Thursday in November as “Thanksgiving Day”.
1889: The popular dance hall “Bal du Moulin Rouge” opens in a converted mill on Montmartre in Paris. It quickly becomes the center of the French metropolis’s entertainment district.
1908: Despite Turkish, British, Russian and French protests, Austria-Hungary annexes Bosnia and Herzegovina (51,200 square kilometers and 1.9 million inhabitants), which it has occupied since 1878. The Danube Monarchy has an area of ​​676,600 square kilometers and 51.5 million inhabitants.
1908: Prince Ferdinand I declares Bulgaria’s complete independence from the Ottoman Empire and assumes the title of Tsar as King.
1918: The German people are called upon for the last time to subscribe to a war bond, the ninth in total. The population is holding back.
1923: Northern warlord General Cao Kun becomes Chinese president.
1933: The German Nazi “Editor’s Law” requires membership of the “Aryan race” in addition to professional training in order to be admitted to the editorial profession. The “Secretary” is responsible to the state.
1938: Czechoslovak President Edvard Beneš resigns in protest once morest the Munich Agreement and leaves his country, which is losing more than a fifth of its territory as a result of the forced cession of the Sudeten regions. (The President of the Supreme Court, Emil Hácha, becomes head of state).
1938: Nazi Germany issues the “Ordinance on the Passports of Jews.” These are only valid with a “J” stamp.
1963: President Ramón Villeda Morales is overthrown in a military coup in Honduras.
1968: Civil war-like conflicts begin between Catholics and Protestants in Northern Ireland. The reason for the escalation is the suppression by the police of a demonstration by the civil rights movement for equal rights for the Catholic minority.
1973: Finland signs a free trade agreement with the EC.
1983: Polish labor leader Lech Wałęsa is awarded the Nobel Peace Prize.
1988: Referendum in Chile: 54.68 percent vote once morest extending the term of junta leader General Pinochet as head of state until 1997.
1993: In Rome, Pope John Paul II publishes his moral encyclical “Splendor Veritatis” (Splendor of Truth), in which the Catholic leader speaks out once morest “ethical relativism.”
1998: The Austrian Monday magazine “Format” appears for the first time.
2003: Pope John Paul II canonizes the founder of the Steyler Missionaries, Arnold Janssen (1837-1909), as a “great figure of the missionary awakening of the Catholic Church in the 19th century.”
2003: Palestinian Parliament Speaker Ahmed Korei (Abu Ala) is appointed Prime Minister by President Yasser Arafat. He replaces Mahmoud Abbas (Abu Mazen), who resigned.
2008: The Democrat Barack Obama is elected as the 44th President of the USA. He is replacing the Republican George W. Bush in office.

Birthdays: Jonathan Edwards, US theologian (1703-1758); Denis Diderot, French writer and philosopher (1713-1784); Vincenzo Battista, Italian composer (1823-1873); Ludwig Borchardt, German Egyptologist (1863-1938); Ewald Balser, German-Eastern actor (1898-1978); Joshua Logan, US film director (1908-1988); Stig Dagerman, Swedish narrator (1923-1954); Glynis Johns, British actress, pianist, singer and dancer (1923); Steve Miller, US rock guitarist, singer and bandleader (1943); Ernst Weber, Eastern Football coach of the ÖFB women’s national team (1948-2011); Ángela Molina, Spanish actress (1953).
Days of death: Roland Garros, French aviation pioneer (1888-1918); Petros Charis, Greek author (1902-1998); Carlo Lizzani, Italian film director (1922-2013); Neil Postman, US cultural critic (1931-2003).
Name days: Attila, Meinolf, Galla, Flavia, Placidus, Raymond, Gerwig, Faith, Hildemut, Peter, Apollinaris.

#October #President #Abraham #Lincoln #designates #Thursday #November #Thanksgiving #Day

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