Optimizing Sports Training for Menstrual Hormonal Changes in Women: A Complete Guide

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2023-11-23 11:00:00

A woman’s body experiences a multitude of hormonal changes during menstruation, and sports training should adapt to these.

After quite some time, it seems that the impact that menstruation has on professional sports is finally beginning to be taken into consideration. Until relatively recently it was an issue that was overlooked, without taking into account that it is an aspect that conditions the normal life of any woman.

Therefore, when it comes to the training of professional athletes, and any woman who carries out a more or less serious sporting activity, Programs need to be adapted to take this circumstance into account.. In general, studies carried out to improve sports performance do not consider hormonal influence, since in men this aspect is not relevant.

A workout for each phase of the cycle

Ignoring this reality leads to training systems not being aligned with the situation that women experience. Although exercise in itself is an element that promotes a less painful cycle and a better mood during it, in terms of performance it has a more than notable influence. That’s why In the case of high-level athletes, it is necessary to assess this factor when developing programs. As coach Crys Díaz explains, “Variations in hormones influence sports performance. They are natural and necessary and we must respect them.”

Each phase of the female cycle causes a series of metabolic changes in the woman’s body. Caloric requirements or cortisol production vary throughout these, so applying a standard training routine to a body whose hormonal environment is in a period of change does not seem the most appropriate approach to maximize sports performance. . Therefore, it is essential to take into consideration what phase of the menstrual cycle the woman is in to adapt the type of training.


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What variations are necessary

Cris Dyaz recommends reducing the intensity of exercise between 30 and 40% on bleeding days, mainly carrying out moderate strength and cardio exercises. However, once the first four days of the cycle have passed, the intensity of training can be resumed, both in strength exercises and if training speed.

Although he points out that The priority is for each woman to know her body and how it reacts. This also offers a series of general indications that can serve as a guide. For example, in the days before menstruation reduce the intensity of training, while in the subsequent phase it is recommended to increase the load. As for the type of work to be done, it suggests analytical strength exercises during ovulation and a more dynamic and functional type of work once this phase is over.

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