Pollen season stats of the week: Who is more affected by allergies?

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Spring time is pollen time. While most Germans are probably looking forward to the first warm rays of sunshine in the year, allergy sufferers now have to adjust to an increased pollen count. As the infographic from Statista shows, many plants are already in season: Traditionally, the alder, which is in full bloom in February and March, is the first. But according to data from Wetter.com, elms, willows and other tree species are also slowly getting started and cause colds, red eyes and breathing difficulties. Grass pollen spreads mainly in the warm summer months, but sometimes even occurs in November.




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According to data from the Robert Koch Institute (RKI), women in Germany are more often affected by allergies than men. This is especially true in the age groups 30 and older. Only in the age group 18-29 men have an allergy more frequently with 39.3 percent compared to 37.9 percent of women. The discrepancy is greatest among 45 to 64-year-olds – here 37.3 percent of the female respondents contrast with around 23.9 percent of the male survey participants. The survey also suggests that the prevalence of allergies decreases with age. Among people who have already reached the age of 80, only 16 to 20 percent were allergic in any form.

Info regarding pollen season

Info regarding pollen season

Taking medication is often the only way to counteract allergic reactions. According to the consumption and media analysis 2022 (VuMA), around 1.1 million people in Germany use antiallergic or antihistamines every day. Another 900,000 sufferers take a remedy to combat their allergy symptoms at least weekly. The number of residents taking medication for allergies has risen steadily in recent years. On the one hand, a sign of medical progress and the ever-improving tolerability of such drugs, on the other hand, the rising numbers also mean that Germans are increasingly suffering from allergies.


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