Preventing Overeating: Strategies to Control Your Food Intake and Lead a Healthier Lifestyle

2023-10-30 07:30:18

Put down your phone and turn off the TV when eating, and stick to a regular lifestyle.

Entered 2023.10.30 16:30 Views 247 Entered 2023.10.30 16:30 Modified 2023.10.30 17:31 Views 247

Have you ever reprimanded yourself because the bag of snacks you picked up without thinking quickly became empty, or the container of ice cream you were only planning to take a bite of was empty? Why on earth do I overeat? [사진=게티이미지뱅크]Have you ever reprimanded yourself because the bag of snacks you picked up without thinking quickly became empty, or the container of ice cream you were only planning to take a bite of was empty? Why on earth do I overeat? Just knowing the reason can help you reduce overeating to some extent. Let’s find out the common reasons why people overeat, explained by Dr. Susan Albers, a psychologist at the Cleveland Clinic in the United States.

There is always food within reach

The kitchen shelves are full of snacks and the refrigerator is overflowing with food that can be taken out at any time. If you fill your house with food like this, it’s easy to give in to the desire to eat at any time.

You have to be careful when shopping. Thinking about what you want to buy in advance and making a shopping list can help reduce impulse purchases. Buying groceries online is also a good idea. After shopping, pay attention to how you arrange the food. Try to intentionally place healthy foods in the front so that they are visible when you open the refrigerator.

Feeling happy, stressed, or bored

One of the biggest reasons we overeat is because we eat depending on our mood. This applies not only to negative emotions such as being sad or angry, but also to good moods. Reaching for food when you’re bored is one of the causes of overeating without realizing it. Studies have shown that even young children consume more calories than usual when they are bored.

Before eating, pause for a moment and think about whether you are trying to resolve your current feelings through food. Even these brief pauses can go some way toward preventing emotional eating, Dr. Albers said. Also, think about the situations in which you frequently reach for snacks. For example, do you have a habit of always sitting on the sofa and eating snacks while watching TV? Look closely at your behavior and try to recognize it the next time such a situation occurs. Walking, moving to another location, or drinking a cold beverage may also help.

Prepare and eat a lot of food

Some people believe that they must eat all the food that is put in front of them. Especially when eating out, there is a stronger tendency to eat all the food without leaving anything behind.

If you are going to eat out, check the menu first. This is to reduce the risk of impulsively ordering. Also, figure out how hungry you are and avoid ordering after others. Above all, let’s keep in mind that if we are full after eating, it is okay to have some leftovers.

I eat it because I see it in front of my eyes.

Think about a time when you are engrossed in a messenger conversation with a friend or browsing social media. Even if I’m constantly reaching for snacks or scooping up a whole bowl of ice cream, I don’t pay much attention to what or how much I’m eating. I just reach out unconsciously. If you eat like this, you won’t even know if you’re hungry or if your hunger will go away.

Put down your phone and turn off the TV. When it’s meal time, stop what you’re doing and focus your attention on eating. If you have a habit of eating meals or snacking on the couch, trying to sit at the table can help reduce distractions.

There are people around me who always overeat.

We are greatly influenced by others. It’s not just about what clothes to wear. The same goes for what to eat and how much to eat. Even if we aren’t conscious of it, research shows that we tend to try to match the pace of eating with those we eat with. People around you are obsessed with eating, but it can be difficult to resist your cravings on your own.

Above all, it is important to eat slowly and make a conscious effort not to follow the pace of those around you. It’s also a good idea to order first. This is because the ordering atmosphere usually follows the decision of the person who orders first.

Hormones related to hunger are imbalanced

Hormones related to hunger include leptin and ghrelin. Leptin is a hormone that helps regulate energy and suppress appetite, while ghrelin stimulates appetite. Among these, ghrelin levels rise before a meal and fall after a meal, and are affected by factors such as lack of sleep, exercise, or stress.

Simply drinking enough water throughout the day to stay hydrated can help keep your appetite consistent. The best way, Dr. Albers says, is to maintain a routine. Eating at consistent times each day, maintaining consistent sleep habits, and managing stress can help prevent overeating and help regulate these hormones.

Wait until you are too hungry to eat

I get angry when I’m hungry. There is also a word ‘hangry (hungry+angry)’ that expresses this state. In this condition, there is a risk of overeating due to very low blood sugar. Keep your blood sugar levels constant through regular meals and snacks.

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