Price of the basic basket soars 45% in this six-year term

He precio from basic basket of foods It is increasingly more expensive and already reports a cumulative increase of more than 45% during this period. sexenniumrevealed the National Council for the Evaluation of the Policy of Development Social (Coneval).

He reported that in December 2018, just at the beginning of the current six-year period, the cost of the basic basket reached 1,586 pesos per month, per person, in the urban areas from the country.

He reported that five years later, at the end of February 2024, that same basket of foods basics registered a price of two thousand 293 pesos, with a alza accumulated of 44.51%

The Coneval indicated that, despite the fact that the fruits, vegetables, carne, egg, pollo, leche, panseeds and cereals are cheaper in rural areas, in these areas the increase in price of food was greater.

He specified that in the rural towns The price of the basic basket rose from 1,208 pesos to 1,756 pesos, with a increment accumulated of 45.31% during the sexennium actual.

It should be noted that the price of the basic food basket measured and published by the Conevalis different from the basic basket of 24 products of greatest consumption among Mexicans that was instituted by the government federal.

The Coneval basket is made up of 222 foodsnecessary to satisfy the nutritional, caloric and protein requirements of a person, among which stand out cereals, carnesfish, milk, egg, fruits and vegetables.

“Coneval defines two poverty lines: the Extreme Income Poverty Line (LPEI), which is equivalent to the monetary value of the food basket per person per month; and the Income Poverty Line (LPI), which is equivalent to the total monetary value of the food basket plus the non-food basket – or services – per person per month.”


Food plus basic services

Through the microwebsite Evolution of Income Poverty Lines, Coneval explained that, to reach a level of welfarepeople and families also require a basket of services basic.

He pointed out that the cost of said elements – food and services – shot up 37% in the urban areas of the country, during the first five years and two months of the six-year term.

He specified that in December In 2018, both baskets reached an amount of three thousand 427 pesos, while in February 2024 it reached four thousand 516 pesos per month, per person.

The Coneval stated that, in the rural areasthe cost of food and services Basic expenses showed an increase of 35.69%, going from two thousand 397 to three thousand 253 pesos per month, per person.

According to such figures, for a family average in Mexico, of four members – two parents and two children – to achieve economic well-being require a minimum of 18 thousand 64 pesos in the cities and 13 thousand 12 pesos in the towns rural.

The problem is that, according to the Inegiin Mexico 70 out of every 100 people – equivalent to 70.6% of the working population– earns a maximum of 14,935 pesos per month, which does not reach the 18,000 pesos required in the cities to have welfare.

Meanwhile, in rural areas, this income barely covers the needs of food and basic household services, but is not enough to cover important items such as purchasing dress, footwearappliances or a casa own.

Mexicans without money for food

He Coneval e Inegi reported that:

  • 37% of the country’s population suffers working povertycondition where the salary It is not enough to buy a food basket.
  • 48 million 507 thousand people are not enough money from his salary to acquire basic foods, according to the working poverty rate.
  • 40% of Mexicans earn up to minimum salaryequivalent to 7,467 pesos per month, and they can barely pay the urban basket of foods for three people, when one family It has four members.
  • 30% of people earn up to two wages minimum, equivalent to 14,934 pesos and they can pay for their family’s urban food basket, but their salary It does not cover basic services.

Price of the food basket in Q4

During the six-year term the precio monthly of the food basketper person, had the following trajectory, at the end of December of each year:


  • Urban: 1,586.47 pesos
  • Rural: one thousand 208.47 pesos


  • Urban: 1,637.36 pesos
  • Rural: 1,240.98 pesos


  • Urban: one thousand 713.89 pesos
  • Rural: 1,306.48 pesos


  • Urban: one thousand 901.66 pesos
  • Rural: one thousand 463.43 pesos


  • Urban: 2 thousand 124.70 pesos
  • Rural: 1,630.95 pesos


  • Urban: 2 thousand 269.57 pesos
  • Rural: one thousand 743.61 pesos

February 2024

  • Urban: 2 thousand 293.38 pesos
  • Rural: one thousand 756.08 pesos

Price of food plus basic services


  • Urban: 3 thousand 427.76 pesos
  • Rural: 2 thousand 397.37 pesos


  • Urban: 3 thousand 518.75 pesos
  • Rural: 2 thousand 467.13 pesos


  • Urban: 3 thousand 419.27 pesos
  • Rural: 2 thousand 555.74 pesos


  • Urban: 3 thousand 916.83 pesos
  • Rural: 2 thousand 784.70 pesos


  • Urban: 4 thousand 246.06 pesos
  • Rural: 3 thousand 51.80 pesos


  • Urban: 4 thousand 461.97 pesos
  • Rural: 3 thousand 226.61 pesos

February 2024

  • Urban: 4 thousand 516.16 pesos
  • Rural: 3 thousand 253.21 pesos

#Price #basic #basket #soars #sixyear #term
2024-04-11 06:35:27

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