Profeco closes Zorro Abarrotero for reviewing tickets and merchandise Grupo Milenio

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The Federal Consumer Attorney’s Office (prophecy) closed permanently for three days a branch of Grupo Zorro Abarrotero for different complaints filed by customers.

Through a statement, Profeco reported that the branch located in the Álvaro Obregón mayor’s office from Mexico City was denounced in recent days for carrying out abusive commercial practices to the detriment of consumers, by reviewing the merchandise they have already purchased when leaving the establishments.

In response, Profeco implemented variouss verification visits for the purpose of dealing with complaints where it was verified that the company “reviews the consumer’s ticket for the product they purchased, as well as their merchandise and/or product and/or goods that have already been paid for and have passed through the checkout area and does so in the checkout area of the company”, a commercial practice that he described as coercive and that can affect a group of consumers.

reported that dThis conduct has been repeatedwithout the establishment having ruled on regularizing it and that on February 14, for which an administrative resolution was issued in which a million pesos was imposed as an economic sanction on the company, as well as the total closure of the establishment for three calendar days.

The branch in question is located at Of. Share Rosal #264, Molino de Rosas neighborhood, CP 01470, Álvaro Obregón mayor’s office, Mexico City; The closure will be lifted next Monday, February 27, 2023.


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