Qin Gang wearing the Flying Tigers jacket was criticized by the Kuomintang for violating the historical facts of the Republic of China | Anti-Japanese War | Lin Jiaxing

[The Epoch Times, April 12, 2022](Reported by The Epoch Times reporter Zhong Yuan in Taipei) The Chinese ambassador to the United StatesQin GangAttendFlying Tigers80th anniversary exhibition, he wears the “Flying Tigers” flight jacket, but there is no backRepublic of Chinaflag,KuomintangCriticizing Qin Gang’s apparent violation of historical facts and calling on him to respect the historical facts of the Republic of China is the best way to commemorate the “Flying Tigers”.

Chinese Ambassador to the United StatesQin GangApril 9th ​​at the “April 9” in VirginiaFlying Tigers80th Anniversary Photo Exhibition”, and made a related talk. ChinaKuomintangLin Jiaxing, vice chairman of the Wen Chuan Association and director of the Party History Museum, said on the 12th that the “Flying Tigers” are not justRepublic of ChinaAnti-Japanese WarIt is an important part of history that cannot be ignored, and it is also an immortal witness of the wartime friendship between the Republic of China and the United States.

On February 1, 2022, the New York Zhonghua Office, which supports the Republic of China, displayed its collection of Flying Tigers jackets at an event to commemorate the 85th anniversary of the founding of the American Flying Tigers. (Lin Yijun/Epoch Times)

Lin Jiaxing emphasized that as a leaderAnti-Japanese WarAnd the party that invited the “Flying Tigers” to China to help fight, the Kuomintang has always cherished this history and insisted on defending the truth. The full name of the “Flying Tigers” is the “Republic of China Air Force American Volunteer Brigade”. It was established in August 30 (1941) of the Republic of China. General Chennault, who was invited to China, was in charge of training and command.

He pointed out that with the outbreak of the Pacific War, under the leadership of Chairman Chiang Kai-shek (Chiang Kai-shek) and the support of the Allies, the Republic of China finally won the victory of the eight-year Anti-Japanese War, and also won the respect of international friends, and its international status has been greatly improved. Among them, the “Flying Tigers” not only created a brilliant record, wrote a glorious history, and became one of the legends in the history of the US Air Force, but also strengthened the friendship between the Republic of China and the United States.

“In the past when President Ma Ying-jeou was in power,” he said, he had twice invited descendants of the “Flying Tigers” to come to Taiwan, hoping to convey his gratitude and importance to this wartime friendship.

Lin Jiaxing emphasized that the Republic of China is undoubtedly a well-deserved history, whether it is from the historical facts that Chairman Chiang led the Anti-Japanese War and Ms. Protagonist, successor and defender.

He said that during the tenure of KMT Chairman Jiang Qichen in August last year, the KMT held a special exhibition “Tiger Strikes the Sky: Commemorating the 80th Anniversary of the Flying Tigers and Sino-US Cooperation in Resisting Aggression” at the Central Party Headquarters and has continued to this day. In commemoration of this glorious history of cooperating with international friends and defending democracy and freedom side by side.

Lin Jiaxing pointed out that the Chinese ambassador to the United States wore the “Flying Tigers” jacket to attend the “Flying Tigers” event, but there was no flag of the Republic of China on the back of the jacket, which obviously violated historical facts. However, when it is mentioned that “China and the United States fought side by side”, there is no mention of who led the Anti-Japanese War and commanded the “Flying Tigers” operation at that time, which reflects the weak discussion and one-sided interpretation of the instrumental use and one-sided interpretation of this history. With a guilty conscience, it is no wonder that the official and private response in the United States has been rather cold.

“Some fleets of the Chinese Air Force continue to use the team logo of the ‘Flying Tigers’ in the past,” he said. Last year, the Air Force Command also held the “Flying Tigers 80th Anniversary Cultural Relics Special Exhibition Opening Ceremony and Guided Tour” and invited American personnel to talk regarding the Flying Tigers. team story.

Finally, he called on all parties at home and abroad to face the Republic of China squarely and respect historical facts, is the best way to commemorate the “Flying Tigers” and pay tribute to the veterans and their descendants, any interpretation that ignores reality and distorts historical facts one-sidedly, It will only have the opposite effect.

Responsible editor: Lin Yan#



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