2023-11-15 15:48:26
SET manager confirms that Naked Short Sell was not found in all channels checked. including from the custodian Ready to disclose trading information for every stock to the public. Please send in any doubtful cases. Confirm that the board is working transparently. There is intensive inspection. There is no conflict of interest.
Dr. Phakorn Peetathawatchai, Director and Manager The Stock Exchange of Thailand (SET) revealed that no illegal short selling or naked short selling was found in any channels examined. This includes custodians from abroad. by the Stock Exchange Data is constantly and strictly monitored. If abnormal trading is found, inquiries will be made to the securities company (Securities Company) immediately.
As for the case of shares of JMT Network Services Public Company Limited (JMT), it was published through social media that a trading program was used to beat the stock price on July 12, 2023. The fact is that the order Sold 30 million shares, not from the trading program of foreign investors. It is a sell order from an investor in a country that holds more shares than the amount set for the sell order. Therefore, it is not a short sell. Importantly, the sell order does not match at all and does not affect the stock price at the time the order is placed. hold Within 20 minutes all of the sell orders were withdrawn and did not return for the rest of the business day.
For the inspection process Current Stock Exchange Data is viewed in real time every day. If you find a case of borrowing stocks to trade Normally, they will randomly ask if it is a legitimate stock loan or not. But in the case of finding a large number of pre-sales then buy back during the day without any share borrowing amount brought forward There will be an inquiry to Securities company to request evidence of stock borrowing and perform this form on every account from every Securities companies are no exception.
While this year we found some suspicious cases regarding unusual short selling cases, when inquired to The securities company also received complete evidence of stock borrowing. Therefore, Naked Short Selling has not been found in any way. As for the case where there is an inappropriate trading order and is considered to be causing stock price deterioration, it has been forwarded to Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) next, which is a normal process.
“It’s not that we’re complacent. or do nothing at all We carefully and strictly monitor every irregular trade. Moreover, if any journalists or investors Have questions regarding trading stocks in any company? Send the matter to 02-009-9999. We are happy to investigate and clarify publicly. to reveal accurate and complete facts,” said the SET manager.
In addition, every trade is made through the trading program. Every program that will be used to trade Thai stocks must be approved by the SET only. Therefore, you can be sure that there will definitely be no inequality or advantage or disadvantage. Regardless of whether they are investors of any securities company.
“The Stock Exchange is always aware of the equality in investing for all groups of investors. What will be developed and supported next is how to make the trading program easier for retail investors to access. There is a lower cost. Including revealing more in-depth trading information. Especially doing Short Sell,” Dr. Phakorn added.
Regarding issues regarding the board of directors, the SET confirmed that the selection was carried out in a transparent manner. The composition will come from 2 groups: 6 personnel appointed by the SEC, another 4 from member companies (reduced from 5 according to regulations in 2019), and 4 representatives from members who are elected by There are a total of 39 members. We would like to emphasize that the committee and management clearly separate work procedures. There is absolutely no conflict of interest, with the SEC already strictly inspecting the work.
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