Slaydins informed what the Russians are doing with the our bodies of Ukrainian troopers

“The trade of prisoners is below the jurisdiction of the Central Intelligence Company (GUR) of Ukraine, which is attempting to barter. It’s reported that Russia has additionally begun to delay the method of returning fallen Ukrainian troopers,” NAF Main, employees officer of the Nationwide Guard Janis Slaidins stated on TV24.

Beforehand, there was an trade of our bodies of fallen troopers, however now all calls for are ignored.

“That is additionally a form of methodology! And most significantly, they don’t violate something on this method; no conference requires the trade of prisoners throughout warfare. The query of the lifeless Ukrainian troopers who had been on board the Il-76 plane additionally stays open.

The Russians stated the boys had been being transported for a prisoner trade, however no video or photographic proof was produced.

Now it’s a thriller,” he notes.

As reported, on Could 22, Ukraine started releasing the primary prisoners to serve within the armed forces below a brand new system that gives early launch to convicts who wish to take part within the warfare in opposition to Russia.

#Slaydins #informed #Russians #our bodies #Ukrainian #troopers
2024-05-26 16:06:44

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