Survivor’s Pension: Everything You Need to Know – Eligibility, Amount, and Criteria

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2023-10-24 19:07:00

You want to know everything regarding the survivor’s pension, find out who can receive it, its amount and all the criteria to benefit from it!

Survivor’s pension is an essential subject, often little known, which closely affects the lives of many surviving spouses. This allocation, coming from the deceased spouse’s retirement, varies depending on the scheme to which the deceased was affiliated. Among the many questions that arise on this subject, one of the most frequent concerns the minimum length of marriage required to benefit from it.

Survivor’s pension: assistance for surviving spouses

The survivor’s pension is a crucial financial support for surviving spouses. In fact, it is a system provided for in all retirement plans.

It thus allows the surviving spouse to benefit from part of the deceased’s retirement rights. The survivor’s pension is then equivalent to a percentage of the retirement pension that the deceased spouse received or would have received if he or she was retired. Rates vary depending on the plans.

For example, the survivor’s pension is currently set at 54% for diets basic private plan, 60% for most supplementary private plans, and 50% for civil servant plans. But be careful, this is done under certain conditions.

And for good reason… Even if the rules vary depending on the regime to which the deceased was attached, the criterion common to all regimes is marriage. Without surprise.

A fundamental criterion for receiving reversion in all pension plans? Have had a marriage with the deceased. Partnerships such as PACS or cohabitation do not give right to survivor’s pension, even in the case of common children with the deceased spouse.

But that’s not all. Duration conditions apply in certain situations.

Specific rules depending on each person’s diet

For civil servants, obtaining the survivor’s pension requires a marriage ofat least two yearss before the deceased’s retirement or four years in total. An exception may occur sometimes.

It concerns couples of the same sex married no later than December 31, 2014. Here then, the duration of the PACS applies in the four years required. Note, however, that this duration no longer applies if a child is born from the union.

As for Ircantec, the supplementary pension for civil service contract workers, the minimum duration of marriage is set at four years. She passes at two years if the marriage took place before the deceased spouse turns 55.

No duration condition is set if a child is born of the union. The same if the deceased spouse had become the recipient of a disability pension following the marriage.

Finally, the minimum duration of marriage is also a criterion for supplementary retirement for liberal professions. This concerns for example lawyers and notaries.

In these cases, the marriage must have lasted at least five years. This is unless there is, at the time of death, a child from the marriage under 21 years old.

For the supplementary MSA scheme for non-agricultural employees, the minimum duration of marriage is two years. The duration condition changes only if children are born from this union.

In addition to the survivor’s pension for the surviving spouse, many pension plans also provide a survivor’s pension for orphans. But here once more, conditions vary considerably between specific pension funds.


I graduated from journalism school several years ago and I love writing regarding all current issues. I love fashion and the digital world.

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