Learn about the best food that reduces the risk of stroke and lowers blood pressure

Al-Marsad newspaper: The Journal of the American Medical Association revealed a famous food that reduces the risk of stroke and lowers blood pressure. And the magazine pointed out that broccoli is one of the best foods to protect against stroke, noting that broccoli is particularly rich in glutamic acid, an amino acid, “the flavor-enhancing compound … Read more

Early warning.. Signs in the extremities may reveal the most common type of stroke

The most common type of stroke, ischemic strokes occur when a blood clot blocks the flow of blood and oxygen to the brain. These blood clots are more frequent in areas where the arteries are narrowed or blocked over time due to fatty deposits. There are early symptoms that appear in the event of these … Read more

Increases the incidence of heart attack or stroke

Al-Marsad Newspaper: A recent study warned of the dangers of taking too much “paracetamol” tablets, especially with the demand for many of them because of its effect in reducing temperature and relieving pain, with the large outbreak of the Corona “Omicron” mutant.A study conducted by researchers at the University of Edinburgh in Scotland found that … Read more