Russian Occupation and Vaccine Accusations in Melitopol: The Truth Revealed

2023-11-08 20:04:20 By finding his intervention in its entirety, broadcast by the Ukrainian channel Pershyi on October 28 and available on its Telegram channel, we even discover that he says the opposite. He actually accused Russian forces of being behind this massacre. As a reminder, this Ukrainian town in the Zaporizhia region has been under … Read more

Covid-19: vaccination can cause disruption of the menstrual cycle, confirms a study

This new study published at the end of September in the British Medical Journal confirmed the results obtained during previous works published in January. These had shown that vaccination had an influence on a possible lengthening of menstruation in women. However, the study had only been carried out with American women, because at that time … Read more

Covid: is the vaccine finally “not recommended for pregnant and breastfeeding women” in the United Kingdom?

In a year and a half, thousands of pregnant women have been vaccinated once morest Covid-19. And no problems were listed. However, some persist in thinking that the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines are dangerous for this public. Last argument in date, the British government would have secretly changed its strategy in the matter. “After vaccine … Read more

What do we know about Mauricette Doyer, who died of Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease a few months after her vaccinations?

Mauricette, assures Marc Doyer, did not suffer from health problems and gave the impression of doing “10 years younger” than his age. She displayed “terrible fishing, no cholesterol, high blood pressure, nothing”, he testified. Can we therefore draw a parallel between the successive injections once morest Covid-19 and the outbreak of the disease which followed … Read more

Covid-19: what is reactive vaccination, on which experts rely so much?

To achieve these results, the researchers established a mathematical model using INSEE data relating to professional situations, social contacts, and socio-demographic characteristics. Different scenarios were then brought to light to assess the impact of a reactive vaccination strategy depending on the dynamics of the epidemic. It shows in particular that whatever the scenario, the strategy … Read more

Covid-19: has Australia recalled 50 million doses of a vaccine causing positive HIV tests?

What relationship with Professor Montagnier? By distorting the events that occurred more than a year ago in Australia, many Internet users drew a parallel with the words of professor and former Nobel Prize winner Luc Montagnier. He would thus have “announcement” among the first what is presented here as a danger. However, this is still … Read more

LIVE – Covid-19: contamination and hospitalizations on the rise before the entry into force of the vaccination pass

WAREHOUSES HAVE THE RATING The rise of e-commerce, thanks to the health crisis, has led to a rush on warehouses in France in 2021. Rent prices might soar in 2022. “The demand for warehouses in France still has a bright future ahead of it!” Pierre-Louis Dumont, industrial and logistics executive director at the business real … Read more

LIVE – 19,606 people hospitalized including 3,654 in critical care, 272 deaths in 24 hours

VACCINE PASS: SURPRISE INTERRUPTION FROM SESSION TO ASSEMBLY Consideration of the bill transforming the health pass into a vaccine pass was suspended by the National Assembly on Monday evening following a majority of deputies refused to continue the debate following midnight, according to a count by session chair Annie Genevard (LR). It will be up … Read more