Protect Yourself from Tiger Mosquitoes and Vector-Borne Diseases in France: Prevention, Symptoms, and Updates

2023-08-28 11:11:34 The tiger mosquito, with its black and white stripes, is a vector of nuisance and diseases including dengue fever. Since April, France has been placed under heightened surveillance, while the period of activity of the insect extends from May 1 to November 30. All the more worrying since Aedes albopictus – its scientific … Read more

Boost Your Energy Naturally: Top Foods to Fight Fatigue and Restore Vitality

2023-08-21 05:00:00 It is thus possible to bet on some foods that will help the body fight once morest temporary fatigue. Vitamin C is therefore excellent for the body. It boosts the immune system and restores energy. It is found in tangerine, lemon, grapefruit, pepper or even cabbage. Vitamin D is also essential for the … Read more

COVID-19 Complication: Acrocyanosis Symptoms and Causes Explained by Leeds Doctor

2023-08-17 16:26:57 This is indeed what is suffering from a 33-year-old man whose lower limbs began, regarding six months following being infected with the virus, to turn purple and then blue each time he got up from his bed. , to which was added a rash on the level of his feet. Besides these aesthetic … Read more

COVID-19 Testing Guidelines and Reimbursement Information for Individuals in Specified Categories

2023-08-17 11:13:35 As a reminder, systematic screening in the event of suspected Covid infection is no longer relevant, but it remains recommended in the event of characteristic symptoms and contact with a person at risk. If it is still possible to be tested in a pharmacy or in a laboratory, the tests are no longer … Read more

Dengue: Understanding Symptoms, Risks, and Prevention – A Comprehensive Guide

2023-08-08 11:07:52 50 to 90% of people infected with dengue do not experience symptoms. For others, the first signs of the disease appear following the incubation period, which lasts on average between four and seven days. Dengue first results in a sudden fever, accompanied by chills, vomiting, joint and muscle pain or a rash around … Read more

Unlock the Secrets of Sun Tanning: A Comprehensive Guide to Understanding the Skin’s Response to UV Rays and the Benefits of Antioxidant Capsules

2023-07-31 18:00:30 To understand everything regarding this, you have to start by remembering how this completely natural mechanism works. With TF1info, Virginie Prod’homme, researcher at Inserm, reminds us that the tanned complexion so desired during the summer is only one “stress response of the skin to UV rays”these ultraviolet rays emitted by the sun, “particularly … Read more

Reduced Antibiotic Consumption in France: Trends, Impact, and Measures – ANSM Report 2019

2023-07-27 17:24:40 Indeed, in this report published on Wednesday July 26, the ANSM notes that between 2000 and 2019, the number of antibiotic substances for systemic use, alone or in combination, marketed is down by more than 20%. In the city, “The overall consumption of antibiotics in France has thus increased from 194 to 139 … Read more

Effective Solutions to Prevent Mosquito Bites and Viral Transmission

2023-06-18 12:00:00 To avoid mosquito bites that can transmit various viruses, there are several solutions. The first thing to do is to eliminate the water points where the mosquito might lay eggs and proliferate in the garden. The containers, pots, watering cans or cans that may contain water are then emptied and covered. Remember to … Read more