The turbo chicken for poultry consumption: miracle or madness? 2024-03-20 12:11:00

Through intensive breeding, the growth rate has quadrupled in the last 65 years: In the 1950s, broiler chickens weighed around 1.5 kilograms following around 120 days. Today they reach this weight in less than 30 days. Productivity has also increased in other areas. In the past, one in five chickens fell ill and died during … Read more

Germany would have to prepare for Putin’s victory 2024-02-24 06:11:11

Got along well: Russian President Putin and American President Trump on July 7, 2017 at the G-20 summit in Hamburg. Image: dpa Berlin would have to prepare for Putin winning in Ukraine and Trump becoming president. But in this country we rely on the principle of hope. WOver the past two years, when he asked … Read more

Economic prospects in the EU continue to deteriorate 2024-02-16 17:21:29

DThe EU Commission has a similarly pessimistic view of the German economy as the Federal Minister of Economics. In its winter forecast published on Thursday, the Brussels authority still expects real gross domestic product (GDP) to grow by 0.3 percent this year, i.e. practically stagnation. This means that it is correcting its forecast from November … Read more

8 key facts about the herpes zoster virus and the shingles vaccination: Important information for everyone

2023-12-21 02:09:33 Itchy rash, painful blisters: The herpes zoster virus causes shingles. But there is a vaccination. All information at a glance. Viral diseases make life difficult for people. But it’s not just the coronavirus and other seasonal viral diseases that are spreading, shingles is also a viral disease that can be dangerous. At least … Read more

Understanding Muscle Pain and Vitamin Deficiency: Causes, Symptoms, and Solutions

2023-12-20 01:39:07 Muscle pain is not always the same as muscle pain. The causes can also include a deficiency of a certain vitamin. We’ll get to the bottom of this. Muscle pain can occur in very different parts of the body. Various causes are possible. In this text we want to limit ourselves to vitamin … Read more