The US urged Maduro to engage in dialogue “in good faith”

The Biden administration also reiterated its request for the presidential elections to be competitive and inclusive | Photo: EFE The United States on Tuesday, July 2, called for the dialogue process it will resume with the government of Nicolás Maduro in Venezuela to be in “good faith” and reiterated its request that the presidential elections … Read more

Zelensky accuses China of torpedoing the peace summit convened in Switzerland Kiev.-The President of Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelensky, accused China of serving to Russia in its makes an attempt to “forestall” the peace summit scheduled for June 15 in Switzerland. The Ukrainian chief has assured that Beijing is “exerting strain on different international locations”, though with out specifying which of them, in order that their representatives … Read more

Ferenc Gegesy also starts against Krisztina Baranyi

Budapest IX is running as a mayoral candidate. in Ferencváros district, Ferenc Gegesy, who led the Ferencváros municipality between 1990 and 2010 – Magyar Hang writes. The former mayor was asked by nine current municipal representatives to run once more: members of the MSZP, DK, Párbeszéd, Jobbik, and politicians who left Momentum. Gegesy confirmed to … Read more

Whoever offends one of the little ones must have a millstone tied around his neck and thrown into the sea

At the demonstration, Gábor Iványi, the head of the Hungarian Evangelical Brotherhood, also spoke, and he agreed with the “three wonderful women and young men who spoke before him” in everything. According to Iványi, “from the moon, you can not only see how many people have gathered”, but from that point of view, there are … Read more

Unlocking Minsala in Baldur’s Gate ACT 3: A Guide to Joining the Team and Overcoming Game Bugs

2023-09-21 07:00:16 Actual test date: 2023-September Preface When I had already played Baldur’s Gate ACT 3, I saw that Minsala might join the team, so I cut off the hand marks and practiced once more. However, I found that most of the methods were completed by using bugs in the own game or modifiers/MODs before … Read more

Pseudo-Chinese Conversations: Hilarious Twitter Trend of Typing in Chinese Characters in Japan

2023-07-25 02:22:00 Figure / flip from Weibo Comprehensive report by Ke Zhiyun / Japan In Japanese, many Chinese characters are interchangeable with Chinese. Recently, a Japanese couple tried to send LINE messages to each other using only Chinese characters in “pseudo-Chinese”, which unexpectedly became a hot topic on twitter. Japanese twitter netizen “mochi_mochi_aus” shared a … Read more

Kindergarten Teacher Suspected of Feeding Contraceptive Pills: Shocking Revelations and Public Outcry

2023-06-20 01:32:09 Lu Kindergarten teacher suspected of feeding the child contraceptive pills. (Schematic / Pexels) Recently, the drug feeding case in a kindergarten in New Taipei sparked outside discussions. A netizen in mainland China who claimed to be a kindergarten teacher said on the platform Xiaohongshu that she added contraceptive pills to her children’s meals. … Read more

When the Head of State’s allies decide to boycott the meeting

2023-05-30 15:16:08 The political dialogue initially scheduled for May 30, 2023 will finally be held the next day. If people are wondering regarding the organization of this great meeting of Senegalese. The Minister Spokesperson and Communication Coordinator of the Presidency of the Republic, Mr. Yoro Dia has not yet given the reasons for the postponement. … Read more