Trump’s former financial director confesses to having lied in the fraud trial against the former president |

The former financial director of the Trump Organization and Donald Trump’s right-hand man for decades, Allen Weisselberg, pleaded guilty this Monday to charges of perjury, an almost imperceptible setback for the former US president and favorite candidate for the Republican nomination in the November elections on the same day that he has received a boost … Read more

A new poll confirms Trump’s advantage over Biden eight months before the US elections | USA Elections

The latest voting intention survey, published this Saturday, confirms Donald Trump’s advantage over Joe Biden in a hypothetical duel at the polls in November, if the presentation of both candidates is confirmed. Previous polls already anticipated the decline in support for the Democrat, but the latest one from Siena College for the newspaper The New … Read more

The law that pits Biden and Trump against each other would allocate more than $20 billion to the border |

The president of the United States, Joe Biden, took advantage of his visit to the border with Mexico in Brownsville (Texas) this Thursday to redouble the pressure on Republicans to approve a law to contain immigration pressure. Biden recalled that as soon as he came to office he proposed a bill to reform “a broken … Read more

Haley surprisingly wins primary against Trump 2024-03-04 06:22:32

In the US Republican presidential primaries, former UN Ambassador Nikki Haley achieved her first victory in a duel against former President Donald Trump. Haley won the internal party vote in the capital district of Washington, as the Republican Party in Washington announced on Sunday evening (local time) after the vote. The result does not change … Read more

Trump continues his triumphant walk towards the Republican nomination with victories in Michigan, Idaho and Missouri |

Former President Donald Trump, Republican favorite in the November presidential elections, continues to score points in the race. Despite the vast judicial offensive he faces – four criminal proceedings for which he is accused of 91 charges in total – Trump has won this Saturday the 39 delegates at stake at a Republican convention in … Read more

US Elections: The road to the White House begins at the border | USA Elections

Laken Riley, a 22-year-old nursing student, went running on Thursday, February 22, at the University of Georgia in Athens. She never returned to her room. She was found dead that same day in a wooded area of ​​campus. The next day, José Antonio Ibarra, a 26-year-old Venezuelan who crossed the border illegally in September 2022, … Read more

A judge orders Trump to pay the full amount of bail to appeal the $454 million fine |

Donald Trump easily won the Republican primary in Michigan on Tuesday, but a few hours later he suffered a serious defeat in his attempt to stop the payment of the $355 million fine that a New York judge imposed on him last week for fraud. continued in his businesses. With interest, the Republican candidate for … Read more