Are eggs expensive and unavailable?Street interview with stall owner reveals astonishing black market prices – Life – China Times News

The boss said that the government price is 960 (box), and now the black market has soared to 1,300. Affected by the bird flu and cold snap, coupled with the shortage of chickens in production areas, the egg shortage continues to spread, and the price of eggs has hit a record high, causing stores and … Read more

Egg prices are cheaper than many countries?She was shocked when she visited a Japanese supermarket: the price is only half of that in Taiwan-Life-China Times News

A female netizen traveling in Japan said that the same box of 10 eggs in a Japanese supermarket only sells for NT$48. The picture shows the price of boxed eggs in Taiwanese supermarkets on the 14th. (Photo/photographed by reporter Yang Yating) The price of eggs has returned to a record high. Chen Jizhong, the chairman … Read more

Rare!The big egg in the woman’s home was knocked open, and it turned out to be an egg in an egg, and finally got two yolks: the reason for popular science-fast technology-technology changes the future

Rare!The big egg in the woman’s home was knocked open, and it turned out to be an egg in an egg, and finally got two yolks: the reason for popular science Have you ever seen a giant egg in your life? According to the Farmer Channel, in Fushun, Liaoning, a woman posted a giant egg … Read more

Health Net “Growing Tall Good Partner Research: Eat 2 Eggs a Day-Free Health Net

The study found that the children who ate two eggs a day were better than the other two groups, which increased significantly in height and weight. (picture taken from freepik) [Health Channel/Comprehensive Report]Parents want their children to grow taller. In addition to drinking milk, Chen Yicheng, a pediatric endocrinologist at Hexin Minquan Maternal and Child … Read more

Eat these 3 “breakfasts” to help sleep, making it incredibly comfortable.

“breakfast” An important meal that many people overlook. with life in a hurry just one cup of coffee It would be enough, but breakfast is an important meal that is necessary. To strengthen the immune system in the body, especially the brain and memory, who eat breakfast regularly will feel that The brain is fresh, … Read more

A sign that appears when you wake up in the morning indicates an important vitamin deficiency

10:01 PM Monday 05 September 2022 I wrote – Shaima Morsi Vitamin B12 supports many important processes in the body, but its deficiency causes a series of problems, and research indicates that one of these signs appears when you wake up in the morning in 86 percent of cases. Vitamin B12 also plays many important … Read more

Boost your immune system, eat this food!

Pixar Bay ‘Immunity’ is a valuable ‘barrier’ that protects body organs from external viruses. What kind of food do you need to strengthen your immunity during the changing seasons when your immunity is low? First of all, ▲ turmeric, the main ingredient in curry, boasts excellent health benefits to the extent that it is nicknamed … Read more