Chr. Dimas: We seek to put an end to the pathologies that characterize the functioning of economic life – 2024-07-10 13:26:45

“We have moved forward with legislative initiatives but there are many more to come, which will benefit businessmen and chambers”, stressed Christos Dimas, welcoming the extended meeting of the KEEE Administrative Committee, at the two-day event organized by the Chamber of Corinth. In his post on social media, the Deputy Minister of National Economy and … Read more

The storm passed over Mielec. Firefighters have their hands full, damage assessment is underway – Wprost

On Saturday, IMGW level 2 orange warnings are in force in Podkarpacie, with locally very heavy rainfall of up to 35 mm and wind gusts of up to 90 km/h. Locally, hail may fall. The alerts were in force from 1 p.m. and will be valid until at least 11 p.m. At around 2:45 p.m., … Read more

Presidential elections. Rafał Trzaskowski or Donald Tusk the KO candidate? Leszek Miller chose – Wprost

Leszek Miller was asked on RMF FM whether the Civic Coalition’s candidate for president of Poland should be Rafał Trzaskowski or Donald Tusk. The former prime minister pointed to the current mayor of Warsaw. – With his functioning model, personality, etc., he is an ideal, dream candidate for president – ​​argued Miller. – Tusk is … Read more

“She sold the lot.” Kraków’s PiS is furious with Wassermann

After a fierce battle in Krakow, Aleksander Miszalski will become the president of this city. 51.04% of people voted for the Civic Coalition candidate in the second round of local elections. Krakow’s inhabitants. He defeated Łukasz Gibała by only a few thousand votes. Elections in Krakow. Małgorzata Wassermann’s unexpected move The Law and Justice candidate, … Read more

Suwałki Isthmus. “Lukashenko sent a signal to Poland”

Last week, Alexander Lukashenko visited a military training ground in the Grodno region, near the border with Lithuania, where one of the tank battalions is stationed. The leader of Belarus had a conversation there with one of the commanders. They talked regarding the hypothetical capture of the Suwałki corridor. Did Lukashenko want to arouse fear? … Read more

Oserdów. The witness saw a rocket fly over Poland. 30 seconds of horror – Straight up

The whole thing lasted regarding 30 seconds, but Sunday’s incident will remain in the memory of the residents of Oserdów and the surrounding area for a long time. Witnesses of the event report what happened when a rocket launched by the Russian Federation flew over a village located a few hundred meters from the Ukrainian … Read more

Wojciech Mann in Kanał Zero. What did he say about the new TVP?

Wojciech Mann is known to the public, primarily as a presenter of Radio Trójka and as a host, together with Krzysztof Materna, of satirical programs, including: “MdM” on TVP. Until 2012, he also ran “Szansa na dziennik”. He started his career on Polish Television in the 1970s. After the Minister of Culture and National Heritage, … Read more

Will Michał Domaradzki become the new police chief?

“Rzeczpospolita” reports regarding the case. There was speculation three months ago that Domaradzki would become the police commander. However, it seemed that these were just media rumors. The obstacles were not only the prosecutor’s charges once morest Domaradzki, but also his disability. However, it turns out that both factors are no longer a problem. How … Read more