Volcanoes are actively erupting on Venus

Final 12 months, American researchers studied photographs of the identical areas of Venus taken by Magellan at totally different instances and found {that a} volcanic eruption occurred on Mount Maat, situated close to the equator – it was revealed by adjustments attributable to the outflow of molten rock from the bowels of the planet. The … Read more

Northern lights over Latvia seen to the bare eye

Astronomer Ilgonis Vilks already wrote on Thursday on the social community “X”: “On the finish of the week they promise a geomagnetic storm, the strongest lately. A big group of sunspots has triggered a sequence of eruptions to method Earth. The northern lights are anticipated, which shall be tough to see in Latvia because of … Read more

BB.lv: One other photo voltaic storm will hit the Earth this week: scientists have introduced the dates

Flares proceed to happen on the Solar, that’s, emissions of electromagnetic radiation that include a lot of charged particles. They speed up and improve in quantity because of sturdy magnetic exercise on the floor of the star. The US Nationwide Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration has issued a warning that there’s a 60 p.c probability {that … Read more