The sound insulation of the house is too good… Sun Derong forgot to go into the kitchen at noon the next day after boiling water, stupid: almost had an accident | Entertainment | CTWANT

Sun Derong has become popular among many artists and has been dubbed the “Idol Godfather”. (Photo/Photo taken from Sun swollen to Facebook) “Idol Godfather” Sun Derong once held the popularity of 5566, Luo Zhixiang, 183club, K ONE, Ming Dao, Chen Qiaoen and other artists. In recent years, he has moved to the Internet to run … Read more

The United States in the grip of a wave of “extreme heat” and an alarming fire in California

Published on : 24/07/2022 – 08:07Modified : 24/07/2022 – 21:18 The United States is facing an extreme heat wave this weekend, with temperatures expected to peak on Sunday, while the state of California suffers the damage of an “explosive” wildfire, threatening in particular Yosemite National Park and its giant sequoias. After Europe and India, the … Read more

Does soaking the feet with water and vinegar expel toxins from the body? .. “Gulf Health” answers and resolves the controversy – video

Al Marsad Newspaper: The Health Council of the Gulf Cooperation Council revealed the fact that the feet need to be soaked in hot water with sodium chlorocarbonate in order to expel toxins from the body. The council clarified that what is being discussed in this regard is a misconception. The human body being able to … Read more

“They screwed up our lives”: mother denounces that children who bully her son burned her house | National

A neighbor from Puente Alto denounced that a group of 10-year-old children burned down her house, who were identified as the minors who violated her son with bullying. The mother of a 10-year-old boy who is a victim of bullying, reported that a group of minor perpetrators of bullying entered her house in High Bridge … Read more

Watch… Israeli soldiers accidentally shoot themselves in the West Bank, and there are injuries

Al-Marsad newspaper: The Israeli army spokesman, Avichai Adraei, revealed on Monday that the preliminary investigation indicates that what happened near the city of Tulkarm in the West Bank was not a shooting attack. Adraee said on his Twitter account: “From the initial investigation, it is clear that the discussion is not about a shooting,” explaining … Read more

They burn two boxes of trailers inside a yonke

Juarez City- Two trailer boxes were intentionally set on fire this afternoon inside a junkyard that was closed, reported National Guard agents who attended the report. Upon arrival, they requested the support of firefighters because a trailer box was burning inside the junkyard “El Fordsito”. Firefighters went to the place located on Sierra Tlahualilo street … Read more