Cieneguilla Banda throws the corpse of a missing foreigner and leaves a sign with the message: “So you don’t mess with Los Chukis” RMMN | EDITION

A criminal gang murdered and abandoned the body of a man of foreign nationality who had been missing for five days, in Cieneguilla. The executioners left a poster next to the body with a threatening message. It was reported that it was the staff of the Serenazgo de Cieneguilla who found the body in an … Read more

Arrested for the death of a truck driver from Antofagasta asks for his freedom

“I want to leave this like this and I want to continue for my country,” said the detainee for the murder of Bayron Castillo at a level crossing in the Antofagasta Region. one of the detainees for the murder of a trucker in Antofagasta requested his freedomclaiming that his wife is pregnant and that you … Read more

The discovery of an extreme exoplanet with an atmosphere similar to Earth

About 322 light-years from Earth, an extreme planet called WASP-189b orbits one of the hottest stars in the universe, HD 133112.WASP-189b is 20 times closer to its star than we are to the sun, and its daytime temperature reaches 5,792 degrees Fahrenheit (3,200 degrees Celsius). The scorching exoplanet also consists of gas and is about … Read more

the trail of a foreign attack averted

On a visit to Moscow at the end of November 2021, the director of the CIA, William Burns, had alerted to the ” consequences “ possible involvement of Russia in the “abnormal health incidents”, otherwise known as “Havana syndrome”. But according to the agency’s preliminary conclusions, revealed on January 19 by the New York Times, … Read more

In the United States they began to hire foreign nurses because there are health workers who refuse to be vaccinated

The hospitals of U.S face a shortage of supplies and personnel amidst a growing wave of infections from coronavirus before the advance of the variant omicron. In the midst of this panorama, a debate was opened in North American society because hundreds of health workers were fired for refusing to vaccinate against covid-19. The truth … Read more