A Mayan nasal ornament made of human bone discovered for the first time in Palenque!

2023-09-30 13:22:20 It is an important discovery which took place on the site of Palenque, a famous Mayan city in the Mexican state of Chiapas. For the first time, a human bone nasal ornament has been found at the site in a ritual deposit area dating to the Late Classic period (AD 600-850). This type … Read more

Exploring the Mighty Mississippi: A Journey through History, Music, and Culture

2023-09-27 09:18:17 Deep in the southern United States, on the outskirts of the small town of Clarksdale, John Ruskey climbs into a canoe and paddles out onto the “father of all rivers,” as they say here. To that murky stream to which America owes so much: power, wealth, world literature, the blues. The water helped … Read more

Franklin Strengthens and Potential Hurricanes: Stay Informed with the Latest Updates

2023-08-24 17:22:07 Franklin strengthens a bit, is expected to become a hurricane, and the NHC is monitoring three other tropical systems. NOAA The stormy Franklin if others[o de las islas Turcos y Caicos rumbo al suroeste del Atlántico donde se está repotenciando y se convertirá en huracán, mientras que el NHC vigila otros tres sistemas … Read more

Exploring the Effects of Drug-Polluted Waters on Sharks off the Coast of Florida

2023-08-03 05:33:32 The sea off Florida is considered the most drug-polluted body of water in the world. Why this is and whether it gets the sharks high is now being investigated. Are the sharks high off Florida? Or better yet, how much cocaine do sea predators swallow over the course of their lives and what … Read more

Hurricane Ida made landfall in Louisiana as a Category 4 hurricane.

First modification: 29/08/2021 – 14:32 Category 4 Hurricane Ida has made landfall over the southern US state of Louisiana. The state has been preparing for weeks for possible natural disasters that might overwhelm emergency services. In the heads of most citizens is what was generated by Hurricane Katrina in 2005, something that has motivated the … Read more

Vacation in Florida: Where Tourists Swim with Manatees

long distance travel geography Manatee snorkeling safaris in Florida Thousands of manatees frolic in Florida’s rivers. It is very popular among tourists to get close to the gentle giants. But the state in the southeastern United States also offers vacationers a lot of fun outside of the water. Published on 07/31/2021 | Reading time: 3 … Read more