USA: Around 50 tornadoes sweep across Kansas each year

Flaches, wide country, as far as the eye can see: only occasionally one sees a railway line, a windmill or a granary of the farms. A sea of ​​wheat fields, sunflowers and grass. Kansas is located in the geographical heart of the United States on the Great Plains, synonymous with vast expanses of pasture, agriculture … Read more

Vacation in Florida: Where Tourists Swim with Manatees

long distance travel geography Manatee snorkeling safaris in Florida Thousands of manatees frolic in Florida’s rivers. It is very popular among tourists to get close to the gentle giants. But the state in the southeastern United States also offers vacationers a lot of fun outside of the water. Published on 07/31/2021 | Reading time: 3 … Read more

On a trip around the world in Argentina: learned a lesson in Patagonia as a German

long distance travel One Way Ticket Always nice with the calm in Patagonia In the south of Argentina you should take your time: for the bus ride, at the cash desk, while hiking – actually for everything. If you adopt the “tranquilo” rhythm of the locals, you can enjoy Patagonia’s highlights in a relaxed manner, … Read more

Off into the sun – seven tips for a bathing holiday in March

Wpoor sand on your skin, an exotic cocktail in your hand and the gentle rolling of the sea: Who doesn’t dream of a tropical break in the face of icy windshields, fog and pandemic restrictions at home? Numerous travel offers promise exactly that to those who have been fully vaccinated: warmth in winter. But be … Read more

From Gran Canaria to the Maldives: seven tips for beach holidays in March

Wpoor sand on your skin, an exotic cocktail in your hand and the gentle rolling of the sea: Who doesn’t dream of a tropical break in the face of icy windshields, fog and pandemic restrictions at home? Numerous travel offers promise exactly that to those who have been fully vaccinated: warmth in winter. But be … Read more

Madeira: Where fans can grab Cristiano Ronaldo in the crotch

Fans love to touch the crotch of Cristiano Ronaldo’s statue so much that it’s now glistening with gold What: pa/empics/Adam Davy The island of Madeira POrtugal near Africa: Madeira – which, together with the neighboring island of Porto Santo and a few uninhabited mini-islands, belongs to the autonomous region of Madeira – is known for … Read more

Aosta in the Alps: For skiing in Italy in the Valley of Wonders

GCity guide Dolores Jurillo is talking regarding the water that St. Ursus let spring from a rock in the sixth century, regarding the fact that he also averted a flood and did other heavenly benefits in and around Aosta. Then Jurillo’s gaze falls on a small silver object lying at the very edge on the … Read more

Shiver Vacation: These are the coldest cities in the world

Dhe winter in Germany can’t quite make up its mind to cover the country with snow and ice. In Asia and America, on the other hand, there are cities where there is guaranteed to be frozen water, snow caps on the houses, freezing cold, crunching snow and often even a magical world of frost and … Read more