8 health benefits of drinking blue tea, including weight loss and hair growth…and revealing how to prepare it

Al-Marsad Newspaper: A report published by the specialized medical website “onlymyhealth” revealed the health benefits of blue tea, which is derived from pea flowers. Here are 8 health benefits of blue tea: 1 – Good for diabetics It helps control blood sugar levels and reduces the risk of diabetes and related diseases because it is … Read more

What happens to your body when you drink tea immediately after eating? • Observatory Newspaper

Al-Marsad Newspaper – Agencies: The Russian Dr. Margarita Lvova, a Russian nutrition expert, said that drinking tea immediately after eating hinders the absorption of iron from food. In an interview with “Izvestia” newspaper, the expert points out that tea contains tannins, which hinder the absorption of iron from food. But the level of negative impact … Read more

A study reveals the name of a famous “tea” increases the risk of developing 3 types of cancer • Al Marsad Newspaper

Al-Marsad Newspaper: A study found that tea, known as “mate”, can increase the risk of three types of cancer. The concerned tea, which is a herbal tea made from the leaves and branches of the Paraguayan holly plant (Ilex paraguariensis), is famous in South America, in Syria and Lebanon, and in some areas in Jordan. … Read more