this parallel competition on TF1+ reminds us that Camille Lellouche is above all a singer

MARTIN BUREAU / AFP French actress and singer Camille Lellouche was discovered in season 4 of “The Voice”. MARTIN BUREAU / AFP French actress and singer Camille Lellouche was discovered in season 4 of “The Voice”. TELEVISION – A career that began on the stage of The Voice. Actress, comedian, musician and singer. Frenchwoman Camille … Read more

The geopolitics of Taylor Swift, María Pagés and the death of Ana Mendieta, among the recommended podcasts of February | Television

This month of February we compile sound proposals with something more in common than their format. These four podcasts They focus on the world of culture and have their own feminine name. ‘I live dancing’ Five inspiring artists from the world of dance in five-minute conversations. Poliana Lima, Olga Pericet, Rocío Molina, Luz Arcas and … Read more

‘OT’ Gala 10: Kiki and the honor of Spanish tomatoes | Television

Chiara and Lucas, after knowing the results.Triumph operation Although the title of this chronicle sounds like a novel by Colette set, instead of in Montigny, in the Mediterranean orchard, it is the summary of what has been this atypical week in Triumph operation. Atypical because rarely has a nominated contestant reconciled such fiery and diverse … Read more

Eurovision confirms that there will be no censorship for Nebulossa’s ‘Zorra’ | Television

More information “All participating broadcasters will be responsible for ensuring that all necessary measures are taken within their respective delegations and teams to safeguard the interests and integrity of the Eurovision Song Contest and for ensuring that under no circumstances will it be brought into disrepute in any way.” This is the part of the … Read more

Tucker Carlson Promised an Unedited Putin. The Result Was Boring

On February 6th, Tucker Carlson spent more than two hours interviewing Vladimir Putin. The interview later aired, in a version dubbed by what would appear to be Kremlin-provided translators, on Carlson’s Web site, one of Russia’s main state television channels, and the Kremlin Web site. What Tucker Carlson Saw When He Interviewed Vladimir Putin More … Read more

‘The sent ones’, two priests who investigate miracles | Television

If something is clear in the season and a half that has been offered so far of the Mexican series The sent is that its creator and director, the Argentine Juan José Campanella, has achieved wonderful entertainment with some more than estimable actors: a, perhaps, excessively expressive Miguel Ángel Silvestre, a sober and effective Luis … Read more

Actress Gina Carano sues Disney after being fired from ‘The Mandalorian’ for comparing Republicans to Jews in the Holocaust | Television

Flamboyant heat on social media can be very expensive. As much as it costs the job. Tell that to Gina Carano, a 41-year-old Texan actress, who lost one of the great professional opportunities of her life because of an ill-advised tweet. Her comparison between the hatred of Jews during the Nazi Holocaust and that which, … Read more