Epidemics: In Germany there are seven special stations for people infected with Ebola or Marburg viruses

Whether Ebola or Marburg virus: If people in Germany are infected with a highly contagious pathogen, they have to be treated in a specialized clinic, including in Berlin and Hamburg. Such stations are currently coming into focus in view of the latest Marburg outbreaks in Tanzania: So far there is no vaccine against the highly … Read more

[건강플러스] ‘Macular degeneration’ with few early symptoms… Risk factors should be avoided as much as possible

Dry macular degeneration… Gradual central macular atrophy over many yearsWet macular degeneration… Symptoms progress rapidly over days to weeks Clipart Korea image Macular degeneration is a dangerous disease that is considered one of the three major blindness diseases in Korea, along with diabetic retinopathy and glaucoma. According to statistics from the National Health Insurance Corporation, … Read more

Study: Small children form the strongest antibodies against corona

Children are significantly less likely to get seriously ill with Covid-19 because their immune systems can usually adapt better to the corona virus. This is now also confirmed by a small study from Singapore. Doctors took blood samples while the children were still acutely infected and repeated this one to three times after infection. The … Read more

Respiratory problems in Covid-19 infection

news Tübingen research group finds the cause by Bianca Hermle (25.08.2022) In an interdisciplinary research project, Prof. Dr. Lukas Flatz and Dr. Tobias Sinnberg from the University Hospital in Tübingen, together with an international research team, investigated why some patients have problems with oxygen uptake during the Covid 19 infection. For this purpose, the scientists … Read more

Corona: Experimental antibody switches off all virus variants, including omicron

Genetically engineering mice to make their immune systems human is not a new invention. But a team of researchers from Harvard Medical School has now created a special line of new effective antibodies against the Sars coronavirus 2 through a complex combination of human and mouse genes. As the team around Sai Luo, Jun Zhang … Read more

Also Omikron: Experimental antibody switches off all virus variants of Corona

Genetically engineering mice to make their immune system human is not a new invention. But a team of researchers from Harvard Medical School has now created a special line of new effective antibodies against the Sars coronavirus 2 through a complex combination of human and mouse genes. As the team around Sai Luo, Jun Zhang … Read more

Pragmatic medicine – Millennium Group

Rare bird, Mauricio Morales. I, of course, respect my profession. I have enjoyed it, practiced it and I have also seen it for what it is: a human phenomenon of service and dedication to others, consoling, healing and relieving human pain. However, I have also been able to see and live the commercial spirit that … Read more