Gaza, “do everything to stop the war”. Biden’s background on his wife –

“Stop the war in Gaza, stop it now.” This is the exhortation that Jill Biden addressed to her husband, according to what Joe Biden himself told during the Ramadan event which took place on Tuesday at the White House. The New York Times says, quoting one of the participants in the closed-door meeting, that one … Read more

The ground moved under New York, JFK airport also stopped

CNN news coverage according to the earthquake struck Friday morning US time and was felt across the Northeast coast, from Philadelphia to New York. About 23 million people definitely felt it, the majority felt it mildly, 289 thousand moderately strong, and 9 thousand strongly. It was felt throughout the Northeast. Photo: According to the … Read more

USA, Trump saves himself with the 175 million bond. Meanwhile, Truth takes a nosedive –

Disastrous day on Wall Street for Donald Trump’s company that owns the social network Truth: Trump Media & Technology Group shares lost more than 20 percent during the trading day. Trump’s estate, the company’s largest shareholder with 57 percent of the shares, has lost a billion dollars so far. Trump Media’s global value fell to … Read more

Biden: He Messed It Up Again – He Said ‘Oysters’ Instead Of ‘Easter Bunnies’ – 2024-04-05 05:54:33

It seems that the Conservatives in the USA have it fixed on Joe Biden, lurking for the slightest verbal slip of the President, who, after all, often confuses his language as is known. The latest incident took place at an Easter celebration in the White House garden, where the respective presidential couple of USA traditionally … Read more

price accelerates to more than 27 pesos

He precio from Gasoline in Mexico ‘accelerated’ until more than 27 pesos per liter during the last weeks and it is already more expensive to ‘charge’ combustible in the country that in the gas stations of USA and in several countries of Latin America. The place reported that the cost of high-octane gasoline, type … Read more

Gaza, “outraged and heartbroken for the humanitarian workers”. Biden shakes Israel –

Joe Biden makes no concessions to Israel. The US president said Tel Aviv was not doing enough to protect aid workers and called for a swift investigation into the Israel Defense Forces drone strike in Gaza that killed seven people working for the charity World Central Kitchen . “This conflict has been one of the … Read more

where Trump wins –

Donald Trump is ahead of Joe Biden in 6 of the 7 states considered crucial for the next presidential elections. This is what emerges from a survey published by the Wall Street Journal which records how, mainly due to concerns about the US economy and the too advanced age of the president in office, the … Read more

USA, “Russia is behind the ‘Havana Syndrome’”. The investigation and the evidence –

Russia is believed to be behind the “Havana syndrome”, the mysterious disorder reported for the first time in 2016 by US embassy staff in Havana, which causes, among other things, dizziness, headaches, impaired hearing and memory losses. This was revealed by the joint investigation conducted by The Insider, 60 Minutes, a well-known CBS TV program, … Read more