The different types of squats you have to do to strengthen legs and glutes

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When you talk about strengthen buttocks and legssquats are the star exercise especially when it comes to burn calories and tone the muscles of the lower body.

And it is precisely this type of exercise that is key if what is sought is to improve posture, shape the legs, tone the buttocks, promote mobility of the extremities, but also increase resistance and benefit our health in general.

One of the most complete exercises with which, in addition to strengthening the glutes, you will also be able to work the quadriceps or the hamstrings, as well as the abductors, it all depends on the type of squats you choose.

And it is that if when talking about squats you only imagined the classic ones of a lifetime, we inform you that these have evolved into different types depending on the part of the lower body that you want to strengthen. here we bring you 7 types of squats that you can integrate into your workouts and with which you will get strengthened legs and toned buttocks of ten. Take note.

The types of squats you have to do to strengthen legs and glutes:

  1. Classic squat. Despite the fact that, as we have told you, squats go far beyond the classic squat, the reality is that this could not be missing from this list. And it is that, this option is always perfect when what you want to achieve is to work glutes and legs.

    How to do it? Lower your hips to approximately the height of your knees, keeping your back as straight as possible and holding this position for a few seconds, then gradually return to the starting position. Another way to do it is with weight, either with the help of a barbell behind your neck or with dumbbells in your hands.

  2. Jump squat. This option is perfect for those who also seek to accelerate the consumption of calories. Its realization is similar to that of the classic squat but with a jump.

    How to do it? Carry out the same process as if you were going to do a classic squat, but when you start to go up, push yourself and jump up to gradually go back down and then repeat the exercise again.

  3. Bulgarian squat. With this exercise you will also be challenging your balance, core and leg strength.

    How to do it? To do it you will need to have a drawer or a step and you should position yourself approximately half a meter ahead. Then you will only have to extend one of the legs backwards to place the instep of the foot on the box or step. Next, bend the knee that is resting on the ground little by little, slowly lowering your body until the leg that you have bent slightly touches the ground. Progressively return to the starting position and repeat the exercise alternating with the other leg. Make sure both your back and shoulders stay straight and back.

  4. Squat with extension. Although there is no jump in this type of squat, you can still increase your heart rate.

    How to do it? Stand tall with your feet slightly wider than shoulder-width apart. Then you will have to gradually bend your knees by throwing your hips back and lowering into a squat while letting your arms fall until they touch the ground between your legs. Then, helping yourself with your heels, raise your body again to stand up while raising your arms above your head.

  5. Isometric squat. Isometric squats will help you gain much more strength and endurance in your lower body muscles.

    How to do it? Starting in a standing position with your feet about shoulder-width apart, slowly push your hips back as you bend your knees almost until your thighs are parallel to the floor. Hold this position for a few seconds and repeat the exercise.

  6. Side squat with steps. With this simple exercise you will work your legs, gluteus medius and increase your heart rate.

    How to do it? Start in a squat position as if you were holding a classic squat, and with your torso leaning forward about 45 degrees, begin side stepping your right foot to the right, then your left foot to the same side. Repeat this movement about two more times and continue with the opposite side to finally return to the starting position.

  7. One leg squat. Of all the squat classes that we have proposed, this is without a doubt one of the most demanding but also one of the most complete. And it is that, in addition to strengthening our lower body, it involves our balance and elasticity.

    How to do it? Position yourself as if you were going to perform a normal squat but slightly raising one of your legs forward, since we will only perform it on one of them and then alternate it. Extend your arms forward and parallel to help you maintain your balance, while gradually lowering your body and flexing the knee that is supported but without stopping extending and without supporting the leg that you have in the air. We advise you to practice only doing a half squat first, to avoid forcing your knees more than necessary. Then return to your starting position and repeat the exercise with your other leg.

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