The Impact of Sleep Deprivation on Health and How Moderate Exercise Can Help

2023-12-04 16:55:12

Sleep less than necessary (approximately 7 hours according to experts) or spend a Night On White we always invoice the next day. The deprivation of dream It is one of the practices that most impact our health negatively and immediately because we prevent the restoration of our body. According to him somnologist Francesc SegarraCo-director of the Dr. Estivill Sleep Unit, “when a person sleeps little and/or sleeps poorly, it is normal for the next day to have an impact in the form of cognitive difficulties (concentration, attention, memory), difficulties physical level (fatigue, drowsiness) and, probably, there will also be an impact at the level mood (irritability, depression…)”.

Furthermore, the expert points out, “when we don’t sleep enough at night, the next day we will have these consequences no matter what.” However, a new scientific study sheds new information on how physical exercise can help us to face a day if we have had little or no sleep.

He physical exercise Helps get through a sleepless night

And new study Published in the latest issue of the journal Physiology and Behavior, he has investigated the effects of sleep deprivation, acute hypoxia and exercise on cognitive performance. Made by experts from the University of Portsmouth (United Kingdom), among other institutions, has found that the moderate intensity exercise he is able to improve executive function of the participants after having little to no sleep. Specifically, after three consecutive nights partial sleep deprivation and after one night of total sleep deprivation and acute hypoxia (lack of oxygen). In both cases, the participants reported that, after practicing moderate exercise, improved performance on all tasks. But why moderate exercise helps get over a bad night? According to the author of the study, Professor Thomas Williams, “one possible hypothesis is related to the increase in cerebral blood flow and oxygenation“, but also with the amount of hormones regulated by the brain as well as other psychophysiological parameters such as cerebral blood flow, arousal and motivation.

The simple exercise that compensates Lack of sleep and helps you perform better

The question is: What is the moderate exercise that the participants in the study practiced? Something as simple as moderate intensity cycling. It has long been known that cycling brings us many physical and psychological benefits. Here are some of them.

Set up the joints and muscles.Improvement of immune system.Reduce del cholesterol bad. Promotes the production of hormones such as endorphins, dopamine and serotonin.Regulates stress.

Now, thanks to a new scientific study, we know that ride a bike 20 minutes can help us cope better with a day if we have slept little or nothing the previous night. “He exercise activates us and it is a good way to compensate for drowsiness. I recommend Stop every hour and do a series of exercises for 10 minutes. This will help us increase the degree of activation,” he recommends. Francis Segarra. But remember that it is only a help. Although it is clear that the exercise is medicine for the body, nothing can replace sleep. “If I have a bad night and have to continue working the next day, there are some compensatory strategies that can try to mitigate this lack of sleep somewhat. We cannot replace sleep with anything other than wakefulness, nor can we ever replace wakefulness with anything other than sleep.“, Explain.

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